Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
This time is precious if you use it accordingly!
- Message No. 1244 -
My child. My dear child. Please tell the children of the earth that I love them very much. They must pray, My child, much and intimately, and find completely to My Son, their Jesus, for only in this way will they be strengthened, only in this way, My child, and they will not be lost if they convert and give their YES to My Holy Son and do much penance, repentance and atonement.
This time, My children, is a gift to you if you use it as such. My Son asks for repentance and deep contrition of your sins. Even if in many places you are not allowed out of the house, and cannot confess your sins in the confessional, to an ordained priest of My Son, you can still recognize your sins and confess them before My Son, ask HIM for forgiveness and deeply repent of what you did wrong. Confession, to an ordained priest of My Son, you will make up for -and you must do this, beloved children that you are,- as soon as you are allowed to visit your churches again.
So take advantage of this time of 'silence' imposed on you and repent, My children, repent. Repent of your sins and pray, My children, pray. Give your YES to My Son, those of you who have not yet done so. My Son is merciful and full of love for you. So bring your sins before Him -always through your ordained priests, as soon as you can again- and ask and beg for forgiveness.
I love you very much. Ask Me, your Mother in Heaven, and I will lead you to My Son. Use this time for repentance and penance and atonement. Offer up, and always remain in prayer. My Son will forgive you if you sincerely confess your sins and repent with contrition in your heart.
This time is precious if you use it accordingly. Amen.
I love you very much.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Come all to Me, to your Holy Mother in Heaven, for My mantle of protection I place around you if you ask Me, and to Jesus, My Son, your Savior, I lead you, but you must pray and ask and give your YES to HIM, your Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥