Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Message from José's Loving Heart

My beloved children! Today, my Most Loving Heart blesses you again and gives you Peace.
I call you to be true jasmine of love, purity and holiness, for the greater joy of the Most Holy Trinity and of Our United Hearts!
Be jasmins of true love and holiness, living each day more: in deep prayer, in continuous meditation of Our Messages, in faithfulness in praying all the Hours of Prayer that We have given you here and always seeking to fulfill all that We have asked of you in Our Messages throughout all these years here. So that we may truly lead you ever more along the path of fulfilling the divine plan and the Lord's blessing. And so, truly, in your life the holy will of the Most High is always done more and more!
Be true jasmines of love and holiness, seeking ever more to flee from all occasions of falling into sin, ever more to flee from the easy seductions of the world, where Satan, through whom Satan seeks ever more to turn you away from the grace of the Lord, to turn you away from His holy friendship and from true life in Him. So that by rejecting, renouncing ever more the temptations of the enemy you may follow the path of true love, of true holiness by living ever more in deep union and friendship with the Lord, faithfully keeping His commandments.
Be the jasmins of true love and holiness, seeking always more to answer 'yes' to all that We in Our Messages ask of you and also to all that We inspire in your prayers, that is, those good ideas and motions that We give you to better obey the Messages, to better fulfill Our Messages. So that you may truly do your best in the service of the Lord, in the service of Our United Hearts, and in the service of the salvation of the souls of your brothers.
Be the jasmins of true love and holiness, seeking ever more to imitate My virtues, to do what I do, to love the Lord as I have loved and love, to love Mary Immaculate as I have loved and love, so that truly in your life all that I have planned with Jesus and Mary Immaculate about you and that I want to fulfill and fulfill soon, for the greater triumph of Our Most Sacred Hearts!
I am your Father! I am with you! I am not leaving you at any time. My gaze is always upon you. There is no groaning that comes out of your heart, that escapes from my gaze and my attentive love, I know everything and I know how to remedy every pain, every affliction of yours in its due time. And this is exactly what I will do, I will take care of you, and I will never allow you to perish. Do not be afraid of the attacks of My enemy, of temptations, of inner tribulations, of the anguish of the soul, of loneliness, of sickness, or of any other pain. Do not be afraid of the enemies of Our Most Sacred Hearts, for between them and you is My Cloak, and they shall not be able to exceed the limit set by the Lord. Between you and them I have put on My Protective Cloak, and nothing, no harm can come to you, nor can it ever bring you down.
I am your Father! I am with you and I have always had your names engraved on my Most Beloved Heart. If you yourselves with your sin, with your betrayal of Our Love and of Our Apparitions, do not erase your names, they will never leave Our Sacred Hearts United.
Persevere! Walk! Go forward along the road we ourselves have drawn and opened for you.
To everyone at this moment I bless and especially to you Marcos, my most devoted and dedicated son. To all at this moment I bless you all."
"-Dear Brother Mine! I, ANDRÉ BESSETTE, servant of St. Joseph, servant of the Mother of God, servant of the Most High, bless you now and give you peace.
I built for St. Joseph in Canada, the great Basilica, the great Shrine in honor of Him, and today I come to call you to build with me in your hearts, a Shrine for St. Joseph, a Basilica for St. Joseph, a place of rest and a throne for St. Joseph.
Build a Sanctuary for St. Joseph in your hearts, living ever more as true devotees of Him, imitating His virtues, following St. Joseph along the path of sanctity by which He preceded you in Heaven, seeking ever more to assimilate the features, that is, the virtues, the qualities of St. Joseph in you. So that in this way your heart may become a perfect copy of the Heart of St. Joseph, and thus you may truly become a living Sanctuary for St. Joseph.
Build a Sanctuary for St. Joseph within your hearts, obeying ever more all the Messages that He, the Mother of God, the Angels, the Saints, that Heaven has given you here. So that in this way, stone by stone, that is, virtue by virtue, step by step, within you may be raised by God's grace in collaboration with you, the great Shrine of Saint Joseph. where he may come to sit on his glorious throne, where he may sit, rule, rule and command the life, soul and heart of each one of you. So that you may be perfect Temples, perfect Sanctuaries of Him.
Be these living temples of love for St. Joseph by giving more and more of your life to him, renouncing more and more your corrupted will, and accepting more and more what St. Joseph tells you here to do in his Messages.
Build a Sanctuary for St. Joseph within you, in your hearts and in your souls, through your total, unreserved, unconditional obedience to St. Joseph, putting aside your will, what you want, your dreams, to accept St. Joseph's Plans, his will, so that you do all that the Most High desires of you through St. Joseph.
Imitate My obedience to St. Joseph! Imitate My burning love for St. Joseph, because I loved him with all the strength of My heart and not only made for him a majestic concrete, material shrine, but I did it first in My heart. I made for Saint Joseph the greatest Spiritual Sanctuary in the world in My heart having for Him a true devotion, a true love and a true trust of a son in His Father: totally dependent on Him, totally united to Him, totally obedient and docile to Him.
If you imitate this My love and this My obedience to St. Joseph, you too will make for Him a great shrine within your heart and then the material shrine Here, made here for Him, will be the consequence of that spiritual shrine that will already exist within you.
I am here to help you build this Shrine for St. Joseph within your hearts! I am the builder of God! The Holy Builder of St. Joseph! And it is My mission to build this Shrine for Him within your hearts.
Be docile to Me! Be obedient to Me! Let yourselves be formed, educated, taught, led by Me and I will then build within your hearts this great Shrine in honor of St. Joseph for His greatest joy, for the greatest exultation of His Most Amenable Heart and for the greatest knowledge and glorification of His Name throughout the earth!
I love you very much! I am with you incessantly and I never leave you. Come deliver your afflictions to me and I will take care of them all for you. And come deliver your affairs to Me and I will take care of them all for you!
Pray! Continue praying the Rosary every day, the MEASURED ROSARY that Marcos, the great builder of the Sanctuary of Saint Joseph in the hearts and souls of this time of yours. Pray the HOUR OF SAINT JOSEPH, which will quickly and easily build within you the great Sanctuary, the great Basilica of St. Joseph within you. Help my action, my work, and the action and work of Marcos. And then in you will truly be built this great mystical Sanctuary for St. Joseph within your souls.
Continue with the Hour of St. Joseph, continue with all the Hours of Prayer given to you here, which transform you into so many other mystical Shrines of the UNITED SACRED Hearts.
Spread the Messages of this Holy Place, because these Messages, with the Prayers, the films of the lives of the Saints and the Apparitions, with all that Here the Mother of God has given you: will transform the world and so many millions of souls scattered throughout so many nations into great Shrines of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, beautiful Shrines, golden Shrines, luminous and sublime Shrines of love and holiness.
To all at this moment, with Saint Joseph and the Mother of God, I generously and abundantly bless you".