Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Message of Mary Most Holy

My beloved children, today when another month of My Apparition is completed here, I come once again to bless them and give them PEACE.
I am the Queen and Messenger of PEACE. I am the Star of your consolation and of your PEACE.
I am the Star of your consolation and of your PEACE, and so throughout my prolonged Apparitions here I have always called you to PEACE through intense and continuous prayer, persevering and always more done with the heart, so that you could always follow me along the path of true PEACE that you can find only in God, so that you could always live in PEACE, remain in PEACE and rest in Divine PEACE. If you listen to Me, if you follow Me along the road I have pointed out to you, then you can truly possess this PEACE and give this PEACE to all the souls who approach you.
I am the Star of your consolation and your PEACE, so I have always led you along the path of true PEACE, teaching you to renounce yourself and to accept ever more the Will of the Lord that is unceasingly revealed to you in my Messages.
Only those who renounce themselves, who completely empty themselves of their will, have room in their hearts for Me to fill them with My Mother PEACE. In these emptied hearts I pour out My PEACE like a true flood until it overflows, so that true rivers of PEACE can flow through this world without PEACE. These My children who possess My PEACE live completely immersed in it, and although they suffer a lot in these times of tribulation, they wait in Me and remain in Me always with the trust of little children in their Mother. For these souls I do everything and will always do everything.
I am the Star of your consolation and of your PEACE, so I have remained here with you for more than 20 years to give you and keep PEACE, to console you always and to help you to stand firm on the path that I have marked out for you, and to which I have called you since my first Message. It was my great Love that brought me down here and it is this great Love that I have for all of you that has kept me appearing here for these more than 20 years, giving you my Messages unceasingly. It is my great desire to convert, save and reunite all My children under My mantle that makes Me continue to fight for all of you with My Appearances, Messages, Tears and Signs.
Accept My Love. Let it enter into your lives and transform them completely. My Love will come into you and transform your lives only when you begin to obey My Messages in fact and offer Me no more resistance. Then the power of My Love will transform your lives into a small Heaven already on earth, where you will live in the warmest, sweetest and deepest PEACE of my Immaculate Heart. Then it will be My Kingdom in you. Then it will be My Triumph in you.
Pray. Only through prayer can you understand and accept what I say to you. Only through prayer can you open your hearts to all that I want to accomplish in you.
Wear My Medal of PEACE with confidence. Through it I will give you many graces and comfort your afflicted and tired hearts by filling them with my PEACE.
Today, on the monthly anniversary of My apparitions here, to all My children who faithfully fulfill all that I have said here and especially to you, Marcos, My most devoted and hard-working son, I bless with Love from La Salette, Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí. PEACE".