Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 17, 2024
Choose wisely!
- Message No. 1437 -
Message of May 15, 2024
Our Lady: My child. Dark days will come, but know that he who is with My Son, his and your Jesus, has NOTHING to fear.
Jesus: My children. Is your soul washed clean? Have you prepared your whitest garment for My return?
Our Lady: Those who are not clean from sin will truly have a hard time. The dark days of the end times will weigh heavily on him.
Jesus: You must be ready for Me, for Me and My return, for it draws nearer and nearer, and soon you will lose all courage if you have not prepared yourselves, beloved children.
Our Lady: My Son speaks the true word: anyone who is not ready for HIM, his Savior, will go through truly difficult times. He will hardly have the opportunity to prepare his soul, because everything that is holy will be taken away from you.
Jesus: So whoever is not ready for Me, whoever has not confessed and repented of his sins, whoever has not put on his whitest robe, will hardly have a chance to enter My New Kingdom, for I will only take away the one who stands pure before Me, and his soul will rejoice and be glad forever.
Our Lady: My children. But he who has not put on his purest garment will perish and be lost, and will hardly survive this time that is about to begin.
Jesus: So many of you will fall because you are not prepared.
God the Father: So many will be lost because they do not listen to My word.
Our Lady: Children, children, the Father warns you. You must be ready for this time, for the devil is raging and is taking over the world. Until he succeeds, you will experience much suffering and misery, and your faith and trust will be severely tested. You will suffer depression and give in if you are not fully prepared for My Son!
So let me tell you that this time is now for your conversion, for no lukewarm soul will attain the glory of the Father, no unfaithful soul will know the New Kingdom of My Son, none, and I repeat: none who has not fully found My Son and surrendered to HIM will survive this time and his soul will be lost forever!
Jesus: So consider well whether you want to be ready for Me. My warning will come, and it will come when you least expect it.
Be ready for that day! Be ready for this hour!
Be ready for Me and change!
Only your conversion will keep you in the love of My Father and in His protection, only love for Me will give you the salvation and the blessing you need to persevere!
God the Father: My graces will flow abundantly, but they will only benefit those children who are faithful and devoted to My Son.
Jesus: He who truly loves Me has nothing to fear. But whoever pretends to love Me and does not do so with all his heart and from the depths of his soul be told: your days are numbered and the horror will be great!
Our Lady: So convert, beloved children, and find My Son, Jesus Christ, for only He is the way to the Father and to the Kingdom of Heaven! Only through HIM will you reap the glory of the Father, and only with HIM will you gain entrance into the New Kingdom!
Jesus: Whoever thinks he does not need Me, I will not impose Myself on him.
God the Father: The decision, beloved children, for My Son, lies with each one of you. If you confess Jesus, My glory will be revealed to you.
Our Lady: Remember, beloved children that you are, that you have only 2 choices: Jesus or His adversary.
God the Father: So choose wisely, beloved children, and decide with your heart. Jesus is your Savior. So believe, trust and be ready when the last days dawn. Amen.
Your Father in heaven. Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being.
Your Jesus, Who I Am. Savior of you and Savior of the world.
Your Mother in heaven. Mother of all God's children and Mother of redemption. Amen.
Source: ➥