Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 18, 2023
'So-called Miracles'!
- Message No. 1419 -
Message from December 14, 2023
Mother of God: My child. I, your Mother in Heaven, am here, come to you, so that you may communicate the following to the children of the earth today:
Beloved children that you are. My Son, your Jesus, will come again, BUT DO NOT DWELL AMONG YOU. So be ready for HIM, for your Savior, for that day is near.
So be ready for HIM, for your Savior, for that day is near.
His return will be glorious, and all the children of the earth will see Him in heaven, but be warned, beloved children that you are, for the Antichrist, His adversary, will try to deceive you, and great signs he will cause to appear in the sky.
Jesus: So do not fall for him and his devilish, 'so-called miracles'! Remain vigilant and always faithful to Me, your Jesus.
The Father is concerned about you, so take HIS word and HIS call seriously! You MUST be steadfast at all times and not give in to the temptations and deceptions of this present time!
Mother of God: My children. The devil works with cunning and trickery and imitates My Son as best he can, but in no way does he do good or even divine things!
Remain vigilant, for the 'miracles' presented to you by the Antichrist, the media -all under his control-, and the False Prophet, who knows how to skillfully hold back in order to deceive you when the time comes, are not! (Note: are not miracles)
Be and remain vigilant and stand firm! Your steadfastness will now be tested, and only those who are truly with Jesus, My Son who loves you, will survive this time of deception and temptation unscathed!
Jesus: I warn you, beloved children that you are.
The end is near and My return is imminent. Before that, however, the False Prophet and the Antichrist will try to deceive you and then push you into the depths of hell, but do not be afraid, for he who remains steadfast and faithful to Me, his Jesus, who knows how to discern and prays much and supplicates to the Holy Spirit -daily, My children! he will not be deceived, for he is faithful to Me, His Redeemer, WHO I AM, and I will intercede for him, and his soul will not fall to the adversary!
Our Lady: So listen to Our Word in these messages, for it is Holy, and the Father, God Most High, is concerned for you.
KNOW: My Son will come, BUT NOT TO DWELL AMONG YOU, and His return will be glorious. Amen.
I love you very much, Jesus loves you very much. The Father is concerned about you because He loves you so much.
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen. With Jesus, many saints who are present and the Holy Angels. Amen.
My child. Jesus has spoken, He supports the word of His most holy Mother. Now go.
An angel of the Lord.
Source: ➥