Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 13, 2015
The school of the devil is unique in tactics to deceive people!
- Message No. 997 -
My child. My dear child. Do not despair. Please tell Our children not to follow the wrong one, for much suffering he will bring, and their soul will be lost if they do not realize the truth.
Please tell them to trust completely in My Son and avoid mass events where a person is hailed and "worshipped" as being sent by God, for neither is he sent by God nor does he bring good, but much confusion he causes, and your salvation he seeks to destroy.
Equipped with the finesse of those who come out of darkness, he wraps believing children in his clutches. Voluntarily they follow him, but they do not recognize the evil game because of being blinded. They see what they want to see and let themselves be carried away, euphoric, jubilant and blinded more and more. Their aberration has already begun, and well to him who wakes up from all the pretense and jubilation and recognizes the truth!
Children, be warned and do not "idolize" the one who deceives you! The school of the devil is unique in tactics to deceive people, the soul, and the therefore are well trained!
Do not get involved with them, but stay completely with My Son. With His Holy Spirit He will guide you through this valley of darkness and confusion, but you must remain steadfast and in prayer!
Do not seek the outside and keep away from the masses! Too great are the influences and seductions of the evil one, therefore be calm, in prayer and always with Jesus. Few follow HIM today as God the Father desires, therefore pray, pray, pray and avoid the masses!
Strengthen yourselves in adoration and in receiving Holy Communion while you are still allowed. My Son will put a stop to this evil, so persevere and stay away from sin, which has never been greater than it is today.
Soon it will be accomplished, beloved children, and then the Newly Created Jerusalem with Jesus and His most faithful servants will be your New Home.
So also persevere through this time of confusion and aberration and do not be carried away or deceived. Jesus will come to redeem all of you who are truly faithful and devoted to Him.
Prepare yourselves therefore, beloved children, and unite yourselves in prayer with each other and with your saints and the Holy Angels of the Father.
I love you, and I thank you from the depths of My Holy Mother's Heart for your fidelity to My Son who loves you so much. Persevere and always ask for My help and protection, for to each one of you I grant it,who asks Me for it sincerely and with a true heart,to you and to those for whom you ask Me. Amen.
Pray for guidance, clarity and strengthening of faith to the Holy Spirit, for more than ever the devil's nets of error, confusion and seduction are cast out, and woe to him who is not strengthened in the Holy Spirit and established in My Son. Amen.
Be warned and stay on your guard. Then you will not be lost and will know the truth at all times. Amen.
I love you. With My motherly blessing I bless you. Go in peace, My children. My love will always be with you. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
The Holy Angels of the Father gave special protection to receive this message today.
Source: ➥