Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 6, 2014
You must be free from sin to deprive the devil of all his power over you!
- Message No. 770 -
My child. My dear child. There you are. My child. Write, for Our Word must be heard: My children, My children so loved by Me. Repent, do penance and confess, for you must be free from sin to deprive the devil of all his power over you and find your way completely to My Son.
My children. Confess and stand up for Jesus. HE, WHO redeemed the world by His death and did it for EVERY ONE OF YOU, will come again to conquer and put the devil in his place once and for all!
You must be ready for this time, because it is near -closer than you think- and only those who are pure and on Jesus' side will gain Eternal Life, but all others will perish, trapped in Hell, where the Devil will be chained, and the "entrance/exit" will be blocked!
All "saved" children will be redeemed, and the New Kingdom will become their home. But those who do not repent will be lost, and the devil will torment them. He will exercise 1000 years of torment on them, then the entrance/exit will open once again.
So confess Jesus and enter the New Kingdom of Glory. Do not be lost to His adversary, for eternity is long, and torment will destroy your soul, but never kill it.
My children. Become true children of the Lord and do not be deceived. Only those who are faithful to My Son will be gloriously exalted.
My children. Confess Jesus and become faithful children of the Lord. Only those who keep Jesus' instructions will find the way to the Father.
So listen to My word and follow My call, for it is the word of the Lord and was given to Me by the Father.
Confess, My children, and wait no longer, for time is pressing and your soul must not be lost. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥