Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, June 13, 2014
You are living in the prophesied apocalypse!
- Message No. 585 -
My child. My dear child. Today, please tell Our children to pray, because only your prayer will deliver you from all the evil machinations of the devil and his elite group, only your prayer will bring peace and enter the hearts of those who are hardened, "deadened" and hateful.
My children. Your world is literally in ruins, but you do not see it (yet)! The devil expands his power more and more, and so cunning are his plans that you hardly notice it. You must face the truth and open your eyes and ears!
Do not close yourselves! Do not close yourselves off! Do not withdraw into yourselves, into your four walls, because if you do not act now, do not act, then it will be very soon already too late for you!
The devil will overrun you all, because so, how his plans are single-mindedly but most deceitfully threaded and are implemented, you will have soon no more chance to stop against it. You will not be able to raise your word any more, and you will be beaten down by the blind mob which does not notice what happens here! There will be no more freedom of speech, and you will all have to live according to one and the same scheme!
My children. Stand up now! Fight back now! But do it with My Son, your Jesus! Only HE will be able to bring peace! Only HE will bring light into the darkness! Therefore pray, pray, pray, My children, for My Son will NOT dwell among you as a man, but the Antichrist will, who will make you believe that he is My Holy Son!
Be careful, My so beloved children! You will be lied to and blinded and wrapped in the mists of the Adversary! My Son, your Jesus, will always be with the one who is faithful to HIM, but HE will not be next to you in flesh and blood, because that cannot be.
Read the prophecies in the Holy Book of the Lord and realize that everything We warn you about is already written there! You live in the end times, the prophesied apocalypse, but you sleep before you and do not believe it! Wake up and arise and stand up for My Son! With Him you will not perish, but with the one who will pretend to be My Son!
Believe and trust, and listen to Our Word in these and other messages! Read the Holy Book of your Father in Heaven, and be ready, for Jesus will come to save you all, but it will be from Heaven and not a second time as a man among you!
Remember Our words when everything will now be fulfilled.
Your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "I will come to save you, but you must allow Me to do so. A YES is enough, and I will be with you. Believe and trust and bear the seal of the Lord.
It was given to you in the "New Book of My Father" and is your salvation in the time of great need. Believe and trust and pray much and fervently, My children.
I, your Jesus, will come to each one of you, but it will not be in flesh and blood. Believe and trust and rise up!
He who swallows the lies of the evil one will not be able to defend the truth, and he himself will soon no longer recognize it as true. Believe and trust, for so it will be.
Arise! Pray! And give Me your YES! I, your Holy Jesus, love you so much. Believe and trust, for not one of My faithful children will be lost. Amen.
Your loving Jesus.
Son of the Almighty Father and Savior of all God's children. Amen."
--- "The Lord has spoken, so follow His call. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Your angel of the Lord."
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