Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, January 30, 2014
You cannot give a more beautiful and precious gift to your little ones!
- Message No. 429 -
My child. My dear child. Tell Our children today that your world is out of joint. Whoever turns away from God will never find fulfillment, nor will he ever live in perfect love, because where God is not, where HE does not dwell in the hearts of men, because they have closed their hearts to HIM, the Creator of all being, and to His Son, Jesus Christ, there will never come peace and love, because man cannot "produce" this love out of himself, and his heart and soul will not find peace without this divine, all-healing and all-pervading love of the Lord.
My children. It is so important that you give your YES to My Son, for only in this way will you be led on the true path of knowledge and love. You must give yourselves completely to My Son and prepare your children for HIM and His Second Coming. This is very important, because all children from 7 years old will receive the warning, and their hearts must also be prepared for this great event, so wonderful. Even the smallest ones in your family must be prepared by you, because Jesus lives in each one of you, but only where the heart is opened can HE "dwell and act".
My children. Prepare your little ones for My Son and have them baptized! Give them the participation in the catechesis and lead them to the First Communion as soon as they have reached the age for it! Let your children grow up in faith and trust in My Son and visit Our Holy Places and the Holy Masses with them! Introduce them to life with Jesus! You cannot give a more beautiful and precious gift than this to your little ones, because you are giving them the love of the Lord and Eternal Life at the Lord's side in glory and splendor.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's heart beating for you, and I will come to you until this time of preparation passes.
In deepest and most intimate love, your loving Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
--- "My child. Lead your children to Jesus so that they may become whole and happy. I love you.
Your Saint Therese."
--- "My child. Make this known. Your children are important! Take care of them and give them eternity." Our Lady. Rosalie and Therese.
--- "Your children must live. They are delicate, fragile creatures of the Lord and much closer to God the Father than you big ones. Keep this connection for them and tell them about Jesus' life.
Explain the Bible to them and let them grow up with the Lord. Only then will they have a chance in this world and the next.
Your Saint Josep."
Source: ➥