Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Continue to have courage and hold on a little longer, because the day of My return is approaching!
- Message No. 356 -
My child. My dear child. Quickly these times will now pass, but suffering will still increase, lies will become greater and hardship, in the form of illness, poverty and fear will take on rapid forms.
My children. Do not be afraid, for the Lord God sees everything. He is with you when you call upon Him. HE relieves suffering when you ask HIM, and HE sends salvation when you turn to HIM and walk the path to HIM.
My children. Prepare yourselves now for these last days, for soon everything will be over, but only those who have confessed My Son will find salvation. So turn back and prepare for the return of My Son, for HE will come to liberate you, to conquer the adversary and his evil army and to take all faithful children with him to the New World, where heaven and earth will merge without being one and where peace will be given to all children.
Convert, My dear children, and find the way to your Lord. It will be eternally well with Him, because He is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He IS and will always BE, and He is Creator over you and all that is.
I love you. Come all to My Holy Son.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God. Amen.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not convert now will perish, for nothing will I be able to do for him, because he has not confessed Me.
But whoever gives Me his YES, I will save him, and he will enter with Me into the New Glory.
So come to Me, My beloved children, and let yourselves be cradled in My holy arms. I will take care of each one of you, and the peace of the Lord will be your inheritance. I will perform My miracles on those who love Me sincerely.
I love you, My beloved children, and I will come to redeem you. Continue to have courage and hold on a little longer, because the day of My return is approaching.
In deep love, your Jesus. Amen."
Source: ➥