Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, October 14, 2013
This is the greatest sin of your present time!
- Message No. 307 -
My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, am here to tell you that the tribulation has already begun.
You are in the midst of it, and yet so many of you are as if in a deep sleep, not directing your attention to what is true at this time, but continuing to take refuge in pleasures and shopping, in travel and "a life made beautiful," not realizing that they are harming themselves and their confreres, because anyone who does not open his eyes and ears to the truth, anyone who remains and dwells in appearances and glamor, anyone who thinks of himself, and only of himself and his own, without thinking of all the others, helping them and, if necessary, FORGIVING them, stops the efforts of his fellow brothers and sisters, because their prayer is for all the children and especially for those who have not yet found the Lord, who have not given their YES to Jesus, who blindly follow evil and also for those who think they live "well and orderly", but in reality do not know the truth, because they are wrapped in fog veils of evil, draw from its seductions and refuse to change their lives, because they say of themselves that they have a good heart and do not see that this good heart reaches only as far as it is good for them personally.
My children. You have not understood what selfishness is, because if you understood it, you would be more compassionate and much more loving towards those who are not as well off as you are. You would no longer enrich yourselves and do "good" only to yourselves, but you would share. You would by no means enrich yourselves at the expense of others, for those who do so are smitten by the devil, and there is no excuse for such behavior.
It is despised in heaven, i.e., those of you who defile yourselves with this sin will need greatest purification, and much prayer, repentance, and penance you will have to do, for whoever "makes a nice living" at the expense of his fellow brothers and sisters will not become aware of the glories of the Lord until he has repented, atoned, and made penal remission, i.e., he must make amends.
This he can do with prayer, with fervent prayer. He must again have love in his heart for his fellow brothers, and he must repentantly ask forgiveness from the Lord for his misdeeds. Entreat the Lord, if you have been guilty of this sin, that he may purify your heart again and fill and fill it with love, for only in this way will you come free from this evil of evil, only in this way will the devil desist from you and you will set out on the right path with the help of heaven. So be it. I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all the children of God.
"Amen, I say this to you: This is the greatest sin of your present time, and whoever does not carry it repentantly to the Father will never attain the Kingdom of Heaven.
Repent and do penance, and be good to your fellow man, for all of you are brothers and sisters, for all of you come from the only Father.
HE, who loves you so much, put peace and love in your hearts, but you have wanted to put yourselves above your Father and see what is happening now: Misery and sin, suffering and distress and many sad hearts that dwell on your earth.
True happiness is carried in the hearts of very few of you, and you have become a society of the I. Repent and convert and give Me your YES. Thus the promises will come true for you too, and as happy children of the Lord you will enter My New Kingdom.
But woe to him who does not want to convert. Suffering and distress and agony of soul will be his inheritance, because the devil will "take care" of him, and this will happen in the greatest torment.
So come to Me, to your Jesus, for I love each one of you from the depths of My Holy Redeemer's Heart, and to each one who professes Me, I will grant entrance into My New Kingdom.
So be it. I love you.
Your Jesus.
Redeemer of all God's children and Savior of the world".
"My child. Make this known. With "Amen, I say this to you" important things are once again especially evoked, that is why yesterday God our Father also used this phrase, so that you would urgently listen and implement what was said.
Go now, My child. I love you.
Your Mother in heaven."
Source: ➥