Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 13, 2013
Only in this way will I be able to save your soul if you call out to Me!
- Message No. 270 -

"My child. My dear child. Come to Us more often again, for here We give you the strength and the stamina to withstand all attacks." "My child. My dear child. My sun. I, your Saint Bonaventure, want to tell Our children that now the promised time is dawning and that although so much suffering will come upon your earth, you, the faithful followers of Jesus, will be full of joy and filled. Filled with love and the clarity of the Holy Spirit, because the Father has sent HIM to all His faithful children to give them strength and protection so that they do not fall for the lies of the wicked and remain on the Holy Path of Divine Love, faithful and anchored in His Son, to then enter with HIM, your Jesus, into this wonderful New World that the Lord has promised you and prepared for you. My children. Hold on a little longer, then the prophecies will be fulfilled and the gates to the New Jerusalem will be opened to you. Believe and trust, because that is how it will be. Your Saint Bonaventure." "My child. My daughter. I, your Saint Antoni MC, now say the following to you and to the unfaithful, for you, My child, must reveal it to them: Whoever does not follow the Lord and Savior, whoever does not give his YES to HIM, the Son of the Almighty, whoever denies HIM and continues to believe only in himself and/or the beast, the gates will remain closed to them, and they will not experience Eternal Life at the Lord's side. On the other hand, they will dwell with Satan, but he will treat you badly, because where he dwells, it stinks of sulfur and embers of fire, of burnt things and of filth. The fires will tear your soul to shreds, but since you are immortal, this will be your greatest torment. I will not tell you any more, because you will experience them if you refuse your YES to the Lord, your God and Father, denying and blaspheming HIM. Depending on the degree of your bad deeds, you will blaze and be tormented in the eternal hellfire, and the worse you were, the more you will suffer. Therefore, convert now to the only true Lord and God, your Creator, the Almighty Father, and great will be His mercy. Come and believe, for only HE is your only chance to attain Eternal Life, only with HIM will you be happy and fulfilled. So be it. Your Saint Antoni MC" "My child. Make this known. Your Mother in Heaven." "Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not convert and give Me his YES, whoever continues to deny My Father and instead pays homage to the beast, whoever thinks only of himself and his advantage, the gates of My New Kingdom will remain closed to him, and nothing will I ever be able to do for you.
For on the day of great joy, only My faithful followers will go home with Me, but those of you who have not converted will not be taken. The devil will reach out to you and the lake of fire will drag you down with him. Your eternity will be the worst suffering, and torment and torture will accompany you.
But my faithful children will be happy, for they will live in eternal peace.
So turn back and confess to Me. Only in this way will I be able to save your soul when you call out to Me.
I love you. Each one of you. Come to Me.
Your Jesus.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥