Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, September 6, 2013
Believe in Our Word in these messages, for it is My Father's Holy Word that We proclaim for the salvation of all His children!
- Message No. 261 -

(2nd day in Lourdes).
My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother of Lourdes, and Jesus, your Jesus who loves you so much, are here with you to guide you and to proclaim Our Word to the whole world through you, My child. We love you very much and are glad that you are here again. Praying with Us in this Holy Place will do you good, as it does all Our children who pay homage to Us here, and Our blessing is with all you who come to Us and pray with Us.
This place is Holy, do not desecrate it. Honor Us, live with Us, remember Us and rejoice with Us. Every one of Our children who visits one of Our Holy Places, with joy in his heart and open to Us, will experience healing. Healing of the heart and soul and sometimes, if it is God's will, of the body.
Always remember, My beloved children, that you all walk a special path, YOUR special path, because through it you find God, Our Father, you serve Him and you gladden His heart, if you then consciously put this path of yours, your life, at His service. I.e. accept what is "sent" to you, sacrifice, worship and love and serve your Father and Lord!
Soon, My children, very soon, all this will come to an end, and then you must be ready to accept God's glories, live His love and keep His peace! All this only a pure heart can do. No one who lives closed and turned away from God will attain these glories, for he is not able to endure the love of God, it is too pure, too burning, too loving for an impure soul, nor is he able to keep peace.
The glories of God will remain closed to him, because he has not prepared himself for them, because he does not believe, does not trust in his God and Father, and does not give his YES to Me, His Holy Son. How will you live in peace if you carry resentment, anger and hatred in your heart? How will you face Me and God your Father if you are impure and without faith in Us?
My children, My so beloved children. Wake up! Convert and come to Me, your beloved Jesus! My Mother, My Most Holy Mother, awaits you with open arms to take you by the hand and lead you to Me, your Jesus. Come! What are you waiting for? Believe in Our Word in these messages, for it is My Father's Holy Word that We proclaim for the salvation of all His children!
He who does not prepare himself will not stand, that is, you will not accept Me as THE ONE WHO I AM even when your world comes to an end, and that will be your downfall. Therefore, prepare yourselves now and accept the help of My Holy Mother. Then, My dear children, the prophecy will be fulfilled for you, and in eternal peace, in pure joy and in true, deep love, we will live together in My New Kingdom.
I thank you for listening, reading Our Word. Put it into practice and come to Me! I love you!
Your Jesus and your loving Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, My daughter.
Source: ➥