Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Listen to Our Word! It is Holy and Our messages life-giving!
- Message No. 228 -
My child. My dear child. There you are. Write, My daughter. I, your Most Holy Father in Heaven, have come to say this to Our children through you, My chosen soul: Prepare yourselves, My children so loved by Me, so that My Holy Son, Jesus Christ, may take you to the New Kingdom and Paradise created by Me, your Almighty Creator, and turn away from all evil, renounce evil and become pure children of God again, for only in this way will you then be prepared for the Second Coming of My Son, only in this way will you be able to survive the coming dark days of your earth unharmed in body and soul, only in this way will the protection of Heaven descend upon you, Our love embrace you and My Holy Spirit flood you with the only truth. You will be safe from the last attempts of the devil, through his false prophet in the Holy Chair of My Son and his Antichrist, to defile and steal your soul, and you will be saved by My Holy Son, because it is HE who is good to you, it is HE who bears sacrifices for you, it is HE who loves you above all things, and it is HE who takes on sufferings for you until the end of your days on earth. Believe in Us! Trust in Us! Listen to Our Word! It is Holy and Our messages are life-giving, for you will be awakened, recognized and given Eternal Life, provided you trust in Us and follow Our Word! Do not surrender to the lustful seductions of the devil, but begin to enrich your spirit! Gather your treasures for eternity and stop hoarding earthly riches. They will not make you happy, and your soul will get lost in the traps of evil! Wake up! Turn back! And come all into My loving Father's arms! I long so much for you, for your return back home to Me, your Creator, your Father, and not one of My so beloved children do I want to miss! So do not be lost by continuing to chase your earthly pleasures, pushing Us and eternity aside! The end is closer than you think, and whoever does not prepare himself, My Son will not be able to save him. I love you from the depths of My most sacred heart. Your Father in Heaven. Creator of all God's children. "Amen, I say this to you: whoever does not listen to My Father, whoever denies Me, spurns Me and pushes Me away, whoever does not open his heart to eternity and does not prepare his soul, whoever continues to think only of his pleasure, striving after it and hoarding earthly treasures, he will not see the light, he will not hear Our call, he will not follow Me, his Jesus, and thus will be lost to life in My New Kingdom.
So come, My beloved children, and wake up! Take the first step out of matter!
Seek out your holy places! Go where you feel Us, are close to Us and are alone with Us! Then you will be able to see the light, hear Our call and follow Me, your Jesus!
Give Me your yes! Just say it! Repeat it! So often, until you say it again and again, and there is a joy in your heart! A joy that grows and grows by simply saying your YES to Me!
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"Thank you, My child."
Source: ➥