Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, July 22, 2013
Is the evil of your world not enough for you yet?
- Message No. 211 -

My child. My dear child. What you think is the truth in your world today has nothing to do with the world created by God the Father, for you seek explanations away from your Creator, when the only truth is your Heavenly Father and His creation story.
There is no one among you who can create life, no one who can explain the creation of the world, no one who can prove that God the Father does not exist, and no one who can exclude the existence of God the Father with a pure heart and without remorse.
So why, My so beloved children, do you not turn back to the only true Creator? Why are you moving further and further away? Is the evil of your world not yet enough for you, and do you really not want to know anything about your Father in Heaven?
Whom do you turn to when you need help and there is no one else? To WHOM do you turn when you fall into doubt and are miserable when there is no one else with you? To WHOM do you call when you need help? And WHO do you hope for when your life is dark, sad, or in the final stages?
Convert to your Heavenly Father and give your YES to His Holy Son. Then you will experience the truth, you will be allowed to live and taste it, and your joy will be infinite. The veils of the fog of your present time will be taken away from you, and unity with God your Father will be given to you. You will become true children of God, and your loving Father will take care of you forever.
So turn back while there is still time, and come all into the Holy Arms of My Son, for it will be HE who will come to redeem you, and that time is near.
Wake up! Convert and prepare yourselves! The end times have begun, the earth days as you know them are numbered, and your preparation will soon be completed. I love you, My so beloved flock of children, and I look forward to an eternal life with you and those whom you love and will take with you into the New Glory of God the Father. Do not be afraid, for We will take care of you.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Only a little time remains for you to purify your soul.
Only a little time remains for you to prepare your hearts.
Whoever stands pure and lovely before Me, his joy will be exceeding great.
But whoever is impure and corrupt will spurn My presence, and many will be so overwhelmed that they will not survive it.
So prepare yourselves, My dear children, for great shall be your joy.
I love each one from the depths of My Redeemer's Heart, and I have prepared the way to Our Father for each one of you. So come to Me and give Me your YES, and My love will embrace you, and joy I will give you.
I love you.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"Make this known, My child. The time is pressing. Your Mother in Heaven."
Source: ➥