Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, July 19, 2013
Call of Our Lady
- Message No. 207 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children that it is of utmost importance that they prepare themselves for the Second Coming of My Son, your Jesus, for only in this way will they be recognized and taken along by HIM, the True Son of God, your Savior, and not fall prey to the devil who will try to plunge all souls into the dark abyss.
My children. The time is pressing. You are all living in the end times, and soon all the prophecies will be fulfilled, and the terror on your earth will be great. You are currently living as if in a fog and do not see the danger that is lurking in this world. You believe false prophets, you will even "idolize" the Antichrist, because you only look at the surface and do not dare to look deeper.
This is dangerous, because the surface is not the reality. Here the devil has worked cleanly and built you a world of appearance, which you follow with all its evil temptations in blind endeavor and do not dare to look deeper, because there you would realize how wrong this way is after all, you would have to change your life, but most of you do not want that.
Wake up, My so beloved children, and reflect again on the essential. God alone is love and joy, and only with Him will you be happy children. No appearance can ever fulfill you, no temptation and also no shameful deed will give you inner satisfaction. You live only after "kicks", and always you want to have more and do not see how you hurt others with it and how deeply you go into sin. Only the devil rejoices in all your missteps, which sadly are considered normal in your world, so blinded has he already made you, and God the Father sadly sees all your mistakes and suffers that you play to the devil, but deny HIM.
Wake up! Before it is too late! Jesus will come very soon and then you must be prepared! Please follow My call and give Jesus your YES, because only in this way will we all be able to live happily together, only in this way will you escape the suffering and torment that Satan has in store for you.
I love you, My beloved children.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not come to Me will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Whoever waits too long will be lost.
Whoever does not give Me his YES will fall prey to the devil. Whoever does not love Me will never experience the love of God.
Your Jesus."
"My child. Make this known. This call is of the greatest urgency, for there is little time left.
Rejoice, My children, who are faithful to Jesus, for the glories of your heavenly Father await you and will soon be yours.
I love you. Your Mother in Heaven."
"Thank you, My child, My daughter."
Source: ➥