Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Each one I await with My open Father's arms to press you to My Sacred Heart.
- Message No. 202 -
My child. My dear child. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, want to say this to you and to all Our children today: prepare yourselves, purify your souls, because the time is very near. My Holy Son, your Jesus, will come to deliver you from the evil power, and HE will take and save everyone who allows HIM to do so.
So prepare yourselves, purify yourselves, repent and repent. Only in this way will your hearts become pure again, only in this way will My Son be able to take you with Him, only in this way will you be saved from the dark power that spreads like the plague and contaminates more and more hearts, plunges more and more children of God into the abyss, corrupts more and more and causes damage in your world and in your soul.
Come to Jesus, your Savior, and give Him your YES. Then, My so beloved children, the prophecy will be fulfilled and the New Jerusalem will be your home.
Come and repent of all the evil deeds you have committed. Thus you prepare yourselves for the Second Coming of My Son, and your soul will find peace and love. You will be healed of all the evils you may have. No more sickness will torment you, no more lies will hurt you, no more hunger will you suffer, and no more evil will befall you. You will live in perfect bliss - with My Son by your side. Happiness will be your constant companion and heavenly joy will fill your being. You will be true children of God and will finally understand the mysteries of it. You will be truly well off and all your suffering, pain and wounds will be healed and redeemed.
I love you so much, My flock of children so beloved by Me.
Your Mother in Heaven.
"My child. My daughter. Great will be My joy, for on the day Jesus comes to you, you will be freed from evil and experience great joy. You will become "light", freed from your burdens that you carry through your life, and you will be happy, because on the day of great joy, when finally My Son will be victorious over the adversary, you will enter the New Jerusalem, and I, your Father who loves you so much, will receive you with My divine love. I will take care of you and nothing bad will ever happen to you again.
I love you so much, My children so loved by Me. I await each one with My Father's arms open to press you to My Sacred Heart, when that day has come.
My joy will be great, for I love you.
Your Father in Heaven.
Creator of all God's children."
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever gives his YES to Me, his Jesus, will not perish.
Whoever honors My Holy Father will experience His divine love. Whoever invites Me into his life, to him I will hasten, and whoever gives Me his life, to him I will give Mine, so much do I love you.
So come to Me, to your Holy Jesus, and prepare for the great day of My Second Coming.
I love you from the depths of My Sacred Heart.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children."
"My child, My daughter. Make this known. Our children should know how much We love them and that , if they give Us their lives, We will give Our own for them. This is very difficult to understand, but know that it is so.
I love you from the depths of My Father's heart.
Your Father in Heaven.
Thank you, My daughter, I love you very much."
Source: ➥