Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, June 17, 2013
Free Will.
- Message No. 175 -

My child. My dear child. Keep writing for Us, for Me, your Mother in Heaven and My Jesus, Jesus Christ, for still Our Word must be heard until the day of great joy when My Son will come to you and deliver from the clutches of Satan once and for all.
My child. My dear child. Tell Our beloved children that they may repent. Only by repenting, by changing their present life towards the Eternal and Almighty God, Our Father, will they be purified to enter Eternal Life at His Divine side.
It is very important that you open your hearts to My Son and surrender your lives to Him. As soon as you turn to Him, help will come. Give HIM your YES, so that HE can lead you, and give HIM ALL that you are and that you have, because only in this way HE can take care of you.
We respect the free will of everyone, because it is willed by God the Father, and never would We do anything to interfere with God the Father's creation. I.e. you must come to Jesus of your own free will, for it is this free will that distinguishes you from one another.
Some use it to put it entirely at the service of God the Father, others use it to go against HIM, the Creator of all being, and use it to serve the devil. Why do they do that? Because they think God the Father, or His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, would be a weakling and great boredom would await them in eternity.
The devil is cunning and uses everything to trap God's children, and the most dangerous thing is probably the charming way he uses to flatter God's children. However, he succeeds only with those who do not want to know anything about God the Father, because he will never be able to catch the children of God who are firmly anchored in faith.
The light is stronger than the darkness, and the light will triumph over the darkness! You have heard this much and often, and yet most do not believe it, for those who use their free will against God the Father are subject to the mistaken belief that the devil would triumph.
As yet they see only what the devil wants them to see, but soon they too will come to know the true power of God and His Holy Son, but for many it will then be too late. Still others simply believe nothing at all. The so-called atheists. They are enough for themselves, they think, and they don't need a creator in heaven or a devil. They reject both. For them there is nothing after death -they think-.
But, oh woe, you lost children, if only you could see how wrong you "mean". You deny God the Father, you deny the existence of Eternal Life, you deny any life at all after death, and you deny hell and do not see that you are heading straight for it, because your unbelief is your greatest enemy and will bring you much, much suffering and torment.
Wake up, then, ALL of you, My children so beloved by Me, and find the way to God and His Holy Son. Who does not do this, who continues to close himself, will remain excluded from the New Paradise created for you ALL.
Who does not give his YES to My Son, cannot be saved by HIM, because you then use your free will against HIM, and HE must watch how you perish, although HE wants to take you ALL with Him into His Kingdom of eternal peace, love, bliss and harmony.
Do not obstruct your eternity and convert to God and My Son. Then, My so beloved children, the prophecy will also be fulfilled for you, and the harvest in Paradise will be yours.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥