Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018:(Fr.George Weinmann, Sr.Lillian Mclaughlin)
Jesus said: “My people, I am grateful for the priests and Mike McBride for arranging this tribute to My two Eucharistic martyrs, Fr. George Weinmann and Sister Lillian Marie Mclaughlin. There was a fire at St. Philip Neri Church, and both of these saints tried to rescue My consecrated Hosts from the fire, but they died in this attempt. You are all aware of My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. These saints thought more of protecting My consecrated Hosts, than their own lives. They loved Me so much that they risked their lives for Me. Those souls, who receive Me in daily Holy Communion, and come to Adoration daily, are My special adorers. When you make Me the center of your lives, you will have your heavenly reward. Give praise and glory to My Blessed Sacrament, and I treasure all of My martyrs who died for their faith in Me.”
Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to receive your prayers in your rosary, and I bless all of you for coming here for the rosary and my Son’s Mass. Your priest gave you some good intentions to pray for. You truly need to pray for more vocations to the priesthood. It is sad to see churches close, but my children need to bring their families to Sunday Mass, and contribute to the support of your church. It is also important to give your children a good example in coming to monthly Confession. All sinners need to come to my Son to have their sins forgiven. Without your prayers and seeking your forgiveness of your sins, you cannot come to heaven. Pray for the souls of your family and encourage them to come to Sunday Mass, Confession, and live in marriage in my Son’s Church, and not in fornication. These things are all a part of your faith when you were taught in school and by your parents. Show your love for Jesus and your neighbors, and you will be on the right path to heaven.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My son, you are replacing a 24 year old central air and heater system that was not large enough to cool your house with the new addition. Since you will have a new heater, you can use the natural gas a bit longer. You have assumed that you will not have your natural gas during the tribulation. I told you that I would multiply your fuels during the tribulation. So with prayer and trust, I could multiply your natural gas, and you could still use your new heater. You will not have enough power to run your air conditioner, so this summer you are experiencing the heat you will have to endure during the summer in the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My son, you had a flashback to your first vision back on July 21, 1993, twenty-five years ago. You smelled roses in your bedroom, and you had a vision of a headline in a newspaper that read ‘DISASTER’. Today, you receive visions and messages which you share on the internet, in your books, and in your printed pages for your prayer group. You need to pray for your publisher, Queenship Publishing Co. so they can find a way to publish your book and the other books. Their typesetter has died, and they are trying to find another typesetter, or another means to publish the books. Trust in Me so you can have your books published.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have some people who are mentally unstable that are choosing soft targets to shoot children in schools without armed guards. After several of these incidents, some schools are hiring armed guards, or allowing some teachers to carry weapons. It is sad that such sick people would want to kill a lot of children with rapid fire weapons. Continue to pray for less violence in your schools, and more means of thwarting entry for such gunmen.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing stores closing, and prices rising because of new tariffs. Many of your stores are competing with online delivery stores. It is getting harder for some smaller stores to compete with large internet delivery stores. As a result, you are seeing stores closing in large numbers. You also are seeing the beginning of trade wars with China, Europe, and other countries. This will eventually raise prices on your store items, and it will put a strain on your consumers, as well as the consumers in other countries. Be prepared to adjust to these new ways of purchasing what you need. Trust in Me to keep providing for your needs.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some military drills that have tested your people in certain areas. You could also see rolling power outages that are a sign that your power demand is overwhelming your old power grid. There are also down times when your internet has shutdowns. All of your power and communications are vulnerable to failures. This is why it would be prudent to have backup power with generators, some water sources, and some extra food storage. This is also why I am having My refuge builders prepare for coming disasters and the tribulation.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have warned your people of America that you would be punished with natural disasters, if you do not stop your abortions, and you do not change your sinful lifestyles. You have the one world people in control of the HAARP machine that can be used to enhance tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes. Some of your heat waves are being caused by stationary high pressure systems caused by the HARRP machine. This device can also cause hurricanes to ramp up to Category 5 strength that could cause major damage on land. Pray for your people to change their ways, or you could see more damaging disasters.”
Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a mission to help prepare people for the coming tribulation. Your prayer group was started as a Blue Army Fatima cell, and I commend all of your people for being so faithful to Me in your prayers every week. This is why I am blessing all of you as a reward for staying close to Me. I love everyone, but My prayer group members are special to Me because you are giving a good example to the rest of My faithful. Continue your prayers and trust in Me to protect you, no matter what events will test you.”
Source: ➥