Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw how Zacchaeus, the tax collector, met Me on the road in Jericho, when he climbed up into a sycamore tree. I told him that I wished to have supper with him that night. Once I arrived, Zacchaeus had a conversion in offering to return any money that he had cheated anyone. I commended his change of heart, and I gave glory that salvation came to his house that night. It is not easy for people to convert their lives from a way of sin, unless they were given a grace to do so. In the vision you see how you are actors on the stage of life. All of heaven is viewing your every action. You all are being called to follow Me, and imitate My life. It takes a great effort to lead a holy life, because you have to overcome the desires of the flesh. So when someone does convert his or her life, it is reason for celebration in heaven. Call on Me to help you with the grace of My sacraments, so you can endure all of your physical and spiritual trials. Those souls, who are saved, will have their reward with Me in heaven for all eternity.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is important to teach your children the value of a good prayer life. When you are going through life, you will encounter some difficult situations. It is then that you need to call on Me in prayer to help you get through such trouble. Without praying, your crosses will be twice as hard. You also could pray a family rosary together to give the children a good example. You remember: ‘The family that prays together, will stay together.’ In this day and age where you are seeing many divorces and single parent households, your prayers to keep families together are needed more than ever. You could also give some advice to your children not to live together in fornication because that is a sinful lifestyle. You can give each child a rosary and a brown scapular to protect them from the temptations of the devil. The little ones are so precious to Me, and you need to protect them even in helping prevent abortion of My babies. Keep praying for the children and their souls, so they can be protected from any abuse. Parents are responsible for the souls of their children in bringing them up in the faith. The children have free will, but keep praying for their souls even after they leave your homes.”
Source: ➥