Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
(Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, at one point I asked My apostles: (Matt. 16:13-19) ‘Who do you say that I am?’ Simon Peter answered and said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Then Jesus answered and said, ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Bar Jona, for flesh and blood have not revealed this to thee, but My Father in heaven. And I say to thee thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give thee the keys of the Kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.’ This is when I gave authority of My Church over to the first pope, St. Peter, and I also was instituting the sacrament of Penance where you could confess your sins to the priest. All of My faithful need to acknowledge that I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and that you accept Me as Master over your life. For I have created every soul to know, love, and serve Me. If you are to be My true disciples, then these are your commitments. The smoke, that you see in the fire, represents the smoke of Satan who is always trying to destroy My Church. Beware of those who are trying to mislead you against My teachings. Especially do not follow anyone trying to teach you to follow New Age principles which will be causing a division in My Church. But My faithful remnant will prevail over a coming schismatic church.”
Jesus said: “My people, you go about your entertainment, as with this outdoor pool table, and then some unusual weather events upset your plans. A few inches of snow can be a little unexpected, but when some areas get several feet of snow, it could be a disaster. Some of these areas are receiving twice as much snow as their normal amount for the whole season. Many records for snow and cold are being set this winter. Some people are already complaining that they have had enough winter, but you still could get snow into April. Be patient and let this weather be one of your Lenten penances that I asked you to bear quietly. As you prepare for your next trip, pray for safe travel and a peaceful conference.”
Source: ➥