Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
(St. Hedwig)

Jesus said: “My son, I told My own persecutors all about how the prophets through the ages were criticized and even killed because the religious leaders and the people did not like being told that they were sinners and needed to repent of their sins. These people were too comfortable in their sins and their interpretation of My laws. They did not see My love in My Commandments, but only the letter of the law which was harsh by their understanding. Their earthly rites were more important than the spirit of the law. Because they did not like My teachings of love and repentance, they persecuted Me until they had Me killed. So every prophet and messenger that I send to My people will receive the same mistreatment that I received. Do not be surprised when you face persecution and criticism for proclaiming My Word. Be obedient to My Church’s leaders and carry on your mission for as long as you are able to proclaim My messages. My grace and the Holy Spirit will give you the words to speak, and We will protect you in your soul and your body. A time is coming when your life will be in danger. Do not fear if you should be martyred for your faith in Me, but never deny Me, nor My messages.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, many people are receiving your Adoration DVD with great joy. Some were even playing your initial short segments of quiet Adoration over and over. The addition of a longer segment of ten minutes of Adoration will please more people who cannot find an Adoration place and are using this DVD for their time of Adoration. The movie is truly a view of My Sacred Host and there will be graces given to those who view these quiet moments who cannot make it to Adoration. For those, who can come to visit My Blessed Sacrament, this DVD was made to encourage more Adoration.”
Jesus said: “My people, at every Mass, at every Adoration, and around every tabernacle, you have many beautiful angels giving praise and glory to God in My Blessed Sacrament. If the angels adore Me and sing Me constant hymns of praise, then My faithful can do likewise in worshiping Me in your hours of Adoration. The more time that you spend in adoring Me, the more you will have a small taste of being in My Presence as you will experience in heaven. Remember also to direct My graces for your visits to be applied to reparation for the sins of the world.”
Jesus said: “My son, I asked you to obtain your own monstrance to be used for the tribulation time. If you cannot acquire a large consecrated Host for your monstrance, I will have My angels bring one to you so you can view My Real Presence during the tribulation. There is power in My Blessed Sacrament that you can sometimes feel in your presence before My Host. I touch your hearts and souls with My unconditional love, My Divine Mercy, and My peace.”
Jesus said: “My people, I thank those responsible for bringing My beautiful flowers to My altar so you can admire the beauty of My creation. Your season for flowers is limited in the North, so this beauty is more important to you because you have a long winter. Give praise and glory to Me for giving you such beauty to admire in these flowers.” (dahlias)
Jesus said: “My people, when you see a new born baby, there is joy in that household to have a new life to experience with all of the personality traits that will become known with age. Seeing the beauty of My creation in this infant makes you wonder how could anyone want to kill one of My babies by abortion? Pray to stop your abortions and vote only for candidates who are against abortion.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world and My Light disperses the darkness of sin in the world. I will light your path throughout your life so you will always see that this path is your only way to heaven through your love and good deeds. You know how difficult it is to find your way in the darkness. My Light is a beacon that keeps you focused on your Lord and the mission that I give to each person.”
Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you many times to take ten minutes out of your holy hour for quiet contemplative prayer. It is during this quiet time that I can talk to your heart and give you the direction that you need to follow My ways. When you are quiet and focused on My Blessed Sacrament, you will feel the rays of My love that are warming your heart as the sun warms you when you are outside. Be thankful that you can share My Real Presence in this gift of My Eucharist that I have left behind for all of you. In your prayer time think of how you could please Me more in your deeds and actions. Some have seen movies of the cloistered monks and nuns who pray every day for the reparation of all the sins being committed in the world. Your ten minutes of prayer are just a sharing of what they do every day. Thank you for making all of your visits to adore Me at Adoration.”
Source: ➥