Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today when you begin the Novena for the Anniversary of my Apparitions Here, I call you all once again to true love.
Let My Flame of Love enter your hearts and transform them completely into My dwelling place, the dwelling place of God. God only dwells where there is love, if in your soul there is no true love for Him, God is not there. So little children, renounce all worldly things and your will so that there is love in you for God and God will come then to dwell in you and with you joyfully.
Thank God that I have been here for so many years guiding you on the path of holiness that pleases and gives glory to Him. You must truly open your hearts to my love in these days, want it, desire it with all your strength. And to desire My Love is to renounce everything that is contrary to Me and to seek My Will and do it at your will.
When your will flows into Mine, when your will conforms to Mine to the point that Mine becomes your will, then My Flame of Love will manifest itself with all the power in you transforming you into the great saints that I came here to seek and that I asked for at My first Appearance here in 1991.
Pray, My children, because times are bad! All those who are not here in this invincible fortress of faith, love and prayer that I built here through the person and work of My little son Marcos, the Meditated Rosaries that he made for Me, the Films, Hours of Prayer, Thirteen, Seventies, Cenacles, everyone who is not here in this spiritual fortress will fall into spiritual confusion, will lose faith and their salvation.
Come to the safe haven that my Immaculate Heart has built and prepared for you that is this My Shrine. Yes, by My tears united to the tears of My little son Marcos, by My sorrows united to those He suffered for Me, this invincible fortress was raised and built here for you, to save you in this time of apostasy, dominion of sin and Satan.
Be faithful, persevering in this My School of Holiness, in this My invincible fortress of love that I have raised up here.
If you remain faithful apostasy cannot kill your soul. While the rest of the world finishes plunging into apostasy, lack of faith, violence, sin and Satan's darkness, here you will always have the light, the light that emanates from My Immaculate Heart, the light of the Woman dressed in the Sun, that drives away all darkness, that destroys all darkness.
Therefore, little children persevere with the Rosary in your hand, showing that you truly love and obey Me.
Whatever happens never leave the Rosary, it will be the source and the path of victory for all of you. There is no soul who has ever been condemned if he has prayed My Rosary. The Rosary is a means of salvation, pray it and you will never see the flames of hell.
I truly wish that here there are many My children who have a heart like that of the Saints, like that of My Bernadette, of My Geraldo, of My Alphonsus, of My little Shepherds of Fatima, La Salette and all the Saints.
Hearts, may they love Me with all their strength, may they love Me even in persecution and suffering, may they be able to carry crosses for Me, may they be able to give their lives for Me.
If you My children do not have such burning love, what will become of you when the final persecution comes? When the last great tribulation comes? What will become of you when the fire falls from heaven? When that fire that I prophesied in Akita in Japan falls on all mankind?
What will become of you when the earth is shaken by more than 50 earthquakes together as I said here in El Escorial and so many places? What will become of you My children?
You must, therefore, expand your hearts to a greater capacity to love God and Me, so that by being strong in love, you can endure everything, suffer everything for Me.
So that one day you may be crowned by Me as victors, like My little victims who in this time of great tribulation suffered everything for My love. And they would rather suffer everything and even lose everything, than lose Me, than lose Jesus.
Make the wonderful motto of my little son Marcos your motto: 'Either live for Mary, or die!
He lived this for all these 26 years, so he never fell, never waned, never discouraged, even carried a very heavy cross for the salvation of so many souls. Even carrying this cross he did not become discouraged, he went forward and even suffering, even carrying the cross, he loved me and proved his love to me not with words, not with mere promises. But with deeds, with works of love and with sufferings of love, patiently supported by Me.
And yet, even carrying the cross He never left prayer and He always worked, and a lot, to make Me known and loved and to raise here this invincible fortress of faith, love and prayer through these Meditated Rosaries, these Hours of Prayer, the Movies and all that He did for Me.
Truly, here, apostasy does not enter! Here Satan can do nothing, nothing against Me, because My son Marcos did what is read in Revelation 12: 'The earth that rises to the aid of the Woman clothed with the Sun.
He is that wall of earth that rose up to help Me, to defend Me, to suffer with Me, to fight with Me for the salvation of all My children and to make Me ever more known, loved and obeyed.
Here the river of waters that the dragon vomits and submerges all of humanity in sin, here this river is stopped and cannot submerge the truth, My work of salvation.
Therefore, little children, make of your lives what My little son Marcos did: Make of your lives his motto: 'Either live for Mary, or die.
And you too will have an Angel's heart, a Saint's heart that only knows how to love Me, that only knows how to love God, and you will truly be that land that will rise to stop the vomiting of the infernal dragon. And together with him and with me you too will one day win and sing victory!
To all I now lovingly bless Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".
(St. Jude Thaddeus): "Dear Brother Carlos Thaddeus, today I come to give you the Message that I should have given you yesterday. I come from Heaven once again with great love to bless you and to say to you: I love you and keep you in the palm of my hands. You should fear nothing because I am with you and with you is also the Mother of God. I love you, I love you like the most intimate fiber of my Heart!
When I was on earth preaching the Gospel to the pagans and tiring of Me, I was fatigued, walking under the burning sun on dusty roads preaching to the pagans and often being despised, harassed and expelled by them from their cities, I felt as it is very natural, a great sadness and a great discouragement to see men rejecting the love of the Lord Jesus, rejecting the truth, rejecting His Most Holy Mother as well... and I wept.
My humanity resented that rejection, even though My Spirit was strong and determined to continue going to the ends of the world to proclaim Jesus.
My humanity resented it, my humanity suffered, it was afflicted. Then it was given to Me to see Our most beloved Marcos in vision many and many times and also to you.
Yes, I saw Our most beloved Marcos making his life this beautiful motto: 'Either live for Mary, or die!
And this consoled me, knowing that in the future there would be a soul who would love my Lady, my Queen and my Mother so much. And it also consoled me to see you together with him learning to be holy, learning to love Mary as he did and learning to despise worldly things and even so many licit things in order to live only for Mary, to serve Mary, to praise Mary, to bless Mary and to produce on earth the Triumph of Mary.
Yes, the vision of these two beautiful souls, that of Our most beloved Marcos and yours, consoled me! Then I dried up my tears, lifted myself up decisively and went on proclaiming Jesus, proclaiming the truth to all peoples and enduring with love and patience all the mistreatment and rejection that I received for love of them.
Ah beloved brother, how often have you consoled me! How many times to see you praying the Rosary for Mary, doing the Cenacles for Mary, loving and praising Mary, how much you consoled Me! How much it gave Me courage to go forward, because I knew that My efforts, My sacrifices and sufferings would not be in vain!
Because the Mother of God appeared to me many times and told me that you would be a fruit of my martyrdom, of my blood shed for Jesus and for her. Ah! When this consoled me and gave me strength to go forward, announcing Jesus.
This thought, this knowledge also gave Me much comfort at the time of My martyrdom, as I have told you other times. Knowing that my bloodshed, my sacrifice would produce a most beautiful fruit for Jesus and Mary who is you, this gave me courage, strength and encouragement to place my head resolutely under the trunk, so that there I would receive the blow that made my soul fly to eternal glory.
Oh, my brother! How much I love you, and how truly I am happy to see that My martyrdom has not been wasted, but has been very well enjoyed by you. These merits of My martyrdom in you have borne and will bear much fruit and truly the offering I have made of My life for you has been well enjoyed by you.
Bless you for having in your heart: love, generosity and kindness to say yes to Mary, to believe even before seeing the signs. Blessed, blessed, blessed are you who had the courage to love, to believe, to obey Mary even without trials, even without confirmations, believing purely by faith.
Blessed is and blessed will be even more, because the more the flame of love grows in your heart, the more the Mother of God acts in you and performs wonders and wonders in you.
And the more works of love you do, and will certainly do for Mary, the more worthy of new graces you become. And the more you love the most beloved son of the Mother of God, the one she prophesied at the Apparitions in Quito to our beloved Marian of Jesus Torres, who would be the great apostle who would bring her apparition out of hiding and forgetting, as well as all the other apparitions. He would be the one who would even keep the flame of faith burning in these dark and apostasical times, while that of all would be extinguished even from many seers, who although they were chosen and greatly loved by the Mother of God, would allow themselves to be contaminated by apostasy and lose faith, lose love, lose God's grace.
Yes, our beloved Marcos who will be like the Mother of God, while all the apostles lost their faith in Jesus, even John and Magdalene, she stood by the cross as the only one who believed in the resurrection. She was the only flame in the midst of the great darkness that surrounded Calvary and humanity.
Yes, and our beloved Marcos in these times of great darkness is this flame, it is this light that shines, that burns and that drives away darkness. And so, as on Calvary even the sun was darkened to show the loss of faith of the Apostles, to show the loss of faith of them and of so many in the divinity of Christ, but His Mother remained as a burning flame, so our beloved Marcos in the three days of darkness will remain as a light in the midst of darkness dissipating the darkness. And then the light will shine, the light will radiate from here to the whole world.
And then the darkness will dissipate, the sun will shine again, and a new time of light and grace will come into the world. And you together with our beloved Marcos will be part of this light, part of this flame.
Stay, therefore, united to the One whom the Mother of God gave you as a spiritual son, so that you may always be the light and radiate the light. And again I repeat what she said: Just as there was no greater honor or grace for St. Joseph than to be the adoptive Father of the son of God, there is no greater grace for you than to be the spiritual Father of the one whom the Mother of God herself loved, chose and favored more than many kingdoms and nations on earth together in these 26 years.
You have been chosen and therefore you should rejoice because truly you have been given a greater honor than many kings and many great men of God's people together.
Therefore, beloved brother, rejoice in your Heart and be glad, because great is the love that has chosen you. Always choose that Love and you will always remain in that Love.
I, Judas Thaddeus, love you very much and also truly, I want to reveal one more great thing to you: When Our Lord was on Mount Tabor with the three Apostles, I who remained below, was also favored with many visions and in one of them I saw you, beloved brother, and I knew how much God would love you, how much the Mother of God would love you.
And then I asked Our Lord to give me the favor, the grace to pray and offer all my works for you, even though I did not know the time or the circumstances in which you would come into the world.
The Lord granted Me this great favor and from then on, every day, always when I prayed, always when I could also talk to Jesus and ask Our Lord for anything, always asked Him and His Mother for you, so that they would give you graces of love when you would come into the world.
And they always said yes to Me and always blessed you at My request. Therefore, always believe that you have in Heaven a great lawyer who is truly willing to pray for you, to advocate for you and to defend you at all times and in all your needs.
Pray and always believe in My love, for I will never, never leave you.
I bless you now with love from Jerusalem, Nazareth and Jacari".