Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, February 11, 2011
153Rd Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí/Sp
Message from Our Lady

My children, today, when you celebrate the Anniversary of my First Apparition in Lourdes to my little daughter Bernadette, I invite you all to raise your eyes to Me, your Immaculate Mother, who in the chosen Grotto of Massabielle confirmed the Dogma of my Immaculate Conception and called the whole world to the penance that generates the perfect love for the Lord.
I said to my daughter Bernadette, because preserved from all stain of sin, to be worthy Mother of God, perfect dwelling, without any stain of sin so that He could live in Me and receive from Me human nature and thus accomplish the great work of salvation of humanity.
Because I was destined to truly be the new garden of the Holy Trinity, the new Eve, God's new creation, His second Eden, His second Heaven, where He could truly rest and entertain himself in sweet conversations of love with His creature and finally delight in Him.
I AM THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION because I was predestined and prophesied as the One who was to crush the head of the serpent until he defeated it. And so I could not be under the judgment of the 'common' slavery of mortals to sin and to this cursed serpent, but rather be truly free from all guilt and satanic slavery. So that I could with My power free my children from the tyrannical slavery of sin and the devil. And so cooperate powerfully and effectively in the Work of Redemption of my divine son Jesus Christ. That is why I have revealed to you and confirmed My Dogma of the Immaculate Conception in the Grotto of Massabielle so that you may truly believe in My power and truly entrust yourselves unreservedly to Me, so that more and more I may free you from the slavery of sin and Satan and bring you to the Lord through perfect Penance.
I said again and again to My little daughter Bernadette, to bring you to the perfect renunciation of yourselves, of the world and of the false and illusory glories of this world. And so you may always live a true life in God, for God and with God.
So that you could truly empty yourselves of yourselves until all the disordered love of yourselves died in you and you could then live in yourself the true love of God, which is only poured out on souls purified by the Penance I asked for in the Grotto of Lourdes.
Only Penance generates the perfect mortification and purity of soul that achieves for you the perfect Love of God, and may He live forever in you and remain forever in you.
I continue Here in these My Apparitions of Jacarei, which are the continuation and conclusion of Lourdes, to lead you to this perfect Penance that will generate in you the spiritual purity necessary to achieve perfect union and perfect love for the Lord and With Me is My little daughter Bernadette who was in everything a perfect copy of My purity and My most perfect Love for the Lord, so that She will also help you and lead you to perfect love for the Lord.
If you go as She was, you will be springs of pure water just as the Miraculous Fountain I made spring up in the cave of Massabielle by Bernadette's hands. And just as through her, through the fountain and through Bernadette I have performed the greatest wonders of Grace, so also through you I will perform the greatest conversions of hearts for the greater glory of the Lord and the triumph of His Grace in the world.
To all today I lovingly bless La Salette, Lourdes and Jacareí.
Peace Marcos beloved and my son. Peace My children".