Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Message of the Angel Saint Manuel
Dear Brothers. I, MANUEL, give you again the peace of the Lord today!
Be you, the CENTERS of the OPEN HEART of OUR LORD, of the MOTHER OF GOD and of SAINT JOSEPH. setting the fire of His Love on the whole world. of His infinite Love!
Be the CENTERS of THE UNITED HEARTS. so that this world, completely taken by the ice of evil, selfishness, violence, sin and impurity, may finally burn again with the Flame of Divine Love.
Be you the CENTERS of the THREE SACRED UNITED HEARTS. carrying that Flame of Love from them and lighting it in all the hearts you can find and to whom you can transmit the Messages of Love and Pain that THEY give you here!
Be the CENTERS of the THREE SACRED HEARTS. seeking to love as they have loved. live as they have lived. act as they have acted. so that in you the Image of HIM is perfectly reflected, and so your hearts burn with the same Flame of HIM Love, without ever diminishing, cooling or going out!
If you do this, you will truly be in the midst of this world that has become an immense desert, the CENTERS of THE THREE HEARTS OF JESUS, MARY and JOSEPH!
You will be the CENTERS of the CALL OF LOVE of THE HEARTS OF HIM and so this world can once again be enveloped by the Warmth of GOD's Love and of HIM MOTHER.
I am with you every day! I know your sufferings and I will always look for the best solution for you. Live united with me: in prayer, in the conformity of the Holy Will of the Lord and in the effort to fulfill it. and everything. of everything in your lives I will take care and take providence.
Do the will of the LORD, place your problems in My Hands and I will help you to solve them. together. you and I. us. always together.
Marcos peace! I bless you and all who truly obey the Celestial Messages, which are given in this Place!
Marcos peace!"