Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

Marcos, my dear son, my beloved, I bless you again today with all the heavenly blessings of my love. Come, be my Echo. Be my continuation on earth. Make my voice in your voice spread and reach all the hearts that still do not know and love Me. Beloved Mine, come . communicate my will and my Word my love and my poem. My Song of Love and Goodness to all these my children.Dear children, I, Love in person, Your God, call you and I invite you to open your Heart to Me. A soul that does not obey My Messages and still says that it loves Me, lies! She does not love me! What keeps My words, what obeys My Messages is what loves Me. Do not be incoherent, my children. What your mouth speaks, may your acts fulfill and confirm it. If your mouth speaks one thing, if your mouth speaks that it obeys Me and that it will fulfill My Messages but your life shows something else, you are liars. You lie to yourselves and to others, you lie not to me because I know the hidden and dream what is within you. Therefore, I say to you My children: -HERE SAINTS. BE TRUE AND OBEY MY MESSAGES. I offer my love to all, but I tell you that most prefer the false love of the world and of creatures. For a few seconds of illusory love, for a few minutes of passing pleasure, for a few minutes of fame, glory and human esteem, for a few moments of self-satisfaction, for a few clods of passing and deciduous goods, they despise my Eternal, Unchanging, Unfathomable, Unlimited, Infinite, Just, Pious, Merciful, Compassionate Love. Oh, how can the men of this generation give themselves to such madness? How can the men of this generation give themselves to such baseness? How can the men of this generation give themselves to such perfidy that they despise my love for a vain vanity that will bring them no good at all, only evil and eternal damnation?
My Love is trampled on by My creatures. How many are those who say to me, 'Lord, Lord, but you do not have Me. I am not in them, because they are not in Me. I do not dwell in them, because My Heavenly Wife Mary does not dwell in them. If she dwelt in them they would love her and obey her messages, and if she dwelt in them I would also dwell because where Mary is there I am also. Where Mary is not, I am not. Only she is worthy to possess me on earth, and those who possess me on this earth can possess me only in Mary, with Mary and in Mary, that is, if Mary lives and reigns in their soul, spirit and will. My love is given if it hurts, if it seeks you with a violent force, but you do not receive it. I came to what was mine. I came to my people, but mine did not receive me. If they had received me, they would have obeyed our Messages from the beginning until today. But they did not receive me. They despised me. I seek love. Then a spark of pure love will be mine and you will possess me, and I will give myself to you complacent and compassionate. Give me a spark of love that is, to placate the burning flames that consume me in love and pity toward you.
Give Me a spark of love that is, to placate the flames of desire to unite Me with you who consume Me, who consume your God. Give Me a spark of love , only a spark will you be able to at least give me a spark of love. Ask my Heavenly Wife Mary and my Beloved Joseph to teach you to have at least a spark of love for me. They alone can teach you and they will teach you only if you turn to them humbly, contrarily and sincerely. I want love! I have come to this place seeking love. I have come to make this place My nest of love where I can unite myself with My seeds. With My children, with My offspring and I delight in them and them in Me. And until I obtain this for my Glory, O Oracle of the Lord, I say to you: I WILL NOT APART ME FROM YOU AND THIS PLACE THAT IS SO CAREFUL TO ME AS MY OWN GLORY".
Our Lord Jesus Christ
"My children, I Jesus, The Sacred Heart bless you once again and I say to you: -Be faithful to Me and to My Mother even if all stand against you because of your faith and your obedience to us. Do not be cowardly My children, be courageous, be faithful. Always be loyal. Truly I say to you, many in the judgment will come before me and say, 'Lord, here I am. And I will say to them, 'Who are you? And the soul will say to me, 'I am the Lord, the one who received you daily in the Eucharist, the one who did not come out of your tabernacles and your presence. But I will say to that soul: I do not know you. Depart from me! Why my children? Because they were receiving Communion every day and at the same time they were persecuting me in my apparitions with my Mother, with my Father Joseph and with my Holy Spirit.
They were Communioning with Me and denying Me, denying My apparitions. They communicated with me and they were spreading the darkness of apostasy, lack of faith, doubt and disobedience to our messages.
They communicated in vain. They adored me in vain, because I do not know these souls. And I will tell them this when they come before me. Know that the prayers, adoration and even the communions of those who deny my apparitions, my messages with my mother and father are Joseph, the prayers of these people are dead works. They are worthless because they have already committed sin against the Holy Spirit. God does not think as men think. And I cannot accept that a soul first kisses me and then blindfolds me and betrays me when he leaves the Church and persecutes my apparitions. I cannot tolerate such a thing.
I am the God of justice and I cannot accept the slightest betrayal, the slightest duplicity and the slightest perfidy of the heart. Therefore I say to you: - Beware of committing sin against the Holy Spirit. Beware of denying and persecuting Our Apparitions and also beware of remaining in that neutral position, of not persecuting but not obeying, because I will vomit from My mouth and cast it into the eternal flames.
I, the Lord, do not allow the least disorder, the least duplicity, I do not allow the least falsehood in My presence. If you therefore want your communions to be truly beneficial to you, that they may be wholesome and saving to you, then make them in perfect obedience to My Messages and willing to make the sacrifice even of this if one day it will be necessary for you to stay and defend the truth of Our Messages. To stand by our side with you. If you want your prayers to be truly good and useful to you, then remain in obedience to us like this, your prayers will really be salutary, otherwise they will only serve to increase the motives of your condemnation.
I the Sacred Heart have to tell you these hard truths, but if I do not tell you, you lose yourselves, My children, because you are a well of weakness, of cowardice and you easily become undecided, you betray Me and My Mother and you still delude yourselves thinking that I receive the prayers of those who have already crucified me, of those who have persecuted me with My Mother in Our Apparitions. My children, you are so foolish, and if I do not instruct you and teach you the truth and what pleases me, you make mistakes, stumble and fall over and over again.
So I tell you this with all the complacency and goodness of my Heart. Not to molest you but to make you understand My children that God does not think like men and if men say out there that it is not necessary to be faithful to Our Apparitions, that it is enough to continue communing, praying to me in church and persecuting My Apparitions at the same time and that you will still have Heaven! If men say and teach that it is on their own, for I have never authorized anyone to say such perfidy and such a lie, I want You to be obedient to US. Continue to spread the Messages, for at least a third of humanity must be saved, and there are not even a third of people converted yet. Continue to work to spread the Messages, because only with the prayers we have given you here the Hour of Peace, the Hour of St. Joseph, the Hour of the Holy Spirit, the Meditated Rosary and the other prayers can save this world. My children, Peace! Stay in My Peace".
Our Lady
"-Filhinhos, I am the Lady of the Rosary of Peace, I am your Mother. I bless you again today, little children. My Heart trembles with joy at seeing you here today in such great numbers. Thank you for coming. My Mother's love will last for centuries to come. My Love is Eternal. Come to Me My children. Rest in my Heart and I tell you that if you come to me with faith and confidence, I will give you a unique taste of the knowledge of my privileges, of my virtues, of my Glory that the Lord hides from those who do not love me but who reveal them on a large scale to all those who truly want me and desire me. To all of you today I bless, I bless you. Peace!".