Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 28, 2001
The Devil Offers the World to God, in Exchange for the Sanctuary of the Apparitions of Jacareí

(Report - Marcos) Today, when Our Lady arrived, she greeted me as always, and then she said to me:
(Our Lady) "- My son, see this".
(Story - Marcos) "Then it appeared like a big 'canvas' in Our Lady's place. On this 'canvas' I saw a big black smoke, with a horrible smell. Then I realized that it was the demon, who was furious, was throwing a puff of smoke at me.
I was so afraid, I 'froze' from head to toe. I begged Our Lady to help me at that moment, because I felt faint.
Then the demon gave a grunt of anger, and then I saw a Great Light coming out, which I understood was GOD, a Voice that said:".
(GOD) "- Where do you come from?" answered the demon:
(Demon) "I come to go around the world, to all countries and nations". And GOD told him:
(GOD) "-Do you see My Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí? Do you see the soul of My son Marcos? Do you see My Mother's Slaves? "There is nothing for which I have more appreciation, care and tenderness. The Devil has retorted:
(Demon) "- Well. then let's make a deal. I return to Thee the whole world, which is in My power, and You give me the Shrine, the soul of Marcos Thaddeus and the Slaves of Yours. Yours. Mother!" And the Most High Lord said to him:
(GOD) "No! Stay then with the rest of the world, and touch neither the Shrine, nor the body and soul of my son Marcos, nor the Slaves of my Mother, for there is nothing that I Love, protect and desire more than this, and there will be nothing that will give me as much Glory in the future as this. In the future I will have the whole world in My Holy Power through My Shrine in Jacareí, where I will show all My Power and Glory, and not for any bargain with you! Then the Lord GOD said with a strong voice:
(GOD) "- Go away!" Then I heard 'a noise' as if it was an explosion, and the Devil disappeared, and then the vision too, returning to Our Lady as it was before, and gave the following Message:
(Our Lady) "- I have allowed you to see this, so that you may see the immense value, appreciation and predilection that the Lord and I have for the Shrine of the Apparitions, for you, and for My Slaves.
Satan hates everything that is Mine here in Jacareí, and therefore tries to disturb My Plans. He asked for the Sanctuary, his soul and My Slaves of the Order, and in return, he would return the whole world to GOD. GOD said 'no' to him, and I will take care 'jealously' of all that is mine here.
My son, pray, trust, wait for Me. I will fulfill My Plans and you will rejoice, especially when My Little Chapel is ready, when you see many sinners entering it and becoming converted. Many miracles will happen there, and the Peace of mankind will come out of the prayers made there, from where I will pour a Mystical Light over the whole earth.
(Comment - Marcos) "This Apparition ended at 6:41 pm. "