Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, July 23, 1999
Revelation of the SECRET SECRET of Our Lady
When Jesus was still a newborn, I went one day to change his clothes. Suddenly I saw in His Little Hands and Little Feet deep wounds from which there was a lot of BLOOD.
I looked at YOUR side, and there was also a lot of BLOOD coming out of a great wound. I began to cry, and I asked the ETERNAL FATHER not to take LIFE from Him.
The Lord revealed to me at that moment how much My Son would have to suffer, and how much His wounds would save souls.
I renewed My YES, offering with LOVE all My LIFE, so that the Lord would do what He pleased.
Then, My Son became BEAUTIFUL and RADIANT again.(pause) The pain no longer left My heart".