Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, July 3, 2017
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber
My son, write down what you have read:
"The sacramental character of order sanctions on God's part in an eternal covenant his love of predilection, which demands in return, from the chosen creature, sanctification.... The cleric is to be regarded as a chosen one among the people, filled with supernatural gifts and a sharer in the divine power, in a word, another Christ. He no longer belongs to himself, nor to his relatives and friends, nor even to his country. A universal love must consume him. Even more, universal charity will be his breath, his thoughts, will, feelings cease to be his own, to be Christ's, who is his life." (ENCYCLICAL LETTER SACERDOTII NOSTRI PRIMORDIA OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF
My Ministers, many of them, want to do everything without me. They do not believe in my supernatural, because not even they themselves understand that they have been clothed and filled with these gifts to be one with me.
They do not accept my extraordinary in their souls, because they do not breathe, do not have their thoughts, will and feelings united to me, because they follow, breathe, think, have their will and feelings carried and connected only by the false illusions of the world.
They seek their own sanctification that suits them, while it is I who sanctify.
Without Me they can do nothing.
I bless you, my son, and give you my peace!