Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect God’s words to His son
My most beloved son, this is Mary the Mother of the Trinity and especially My little Jesus of love and mercy. My dear children a few more are starting to believe the messages and the seriousness of them. But, most do not believe and continue to persecute My children who do believe. Most people are like Thomas and he had to put his finger in My son’s side to believe it was really Jesus after the Crucifixion.
Most people are the same today. Most people of today just go along with the world to get along and to get any free gifts that the government is giving. They do not realize that the taxpayers are paying for all the free gifts. Your government is saying how good it is and how the economy is improving but they fail to say that half of the population is on welfare or some other kind of food programs or something that charities are giving to help the poor people.
Your economy is very sick and is being propped up by the one world government to make the stock market look good. They are trying to get everyone to put what money they have left in the stock market and get it higher so when they crash it, there will be few people with any money and then they can take control. When people are hungry or sick or thirsty, you can lead them most anywhere you want because there is nothing else for them to do. This is the way the one world government is going to take over the United States of America. They will come in with things you need and play like they are helping you and then they will take over what little you have left. This is one of satan’s tricks to get the people under control. A good example is, if you have ever watched animals or birds when the snow is on and the ground and the water are frozen and they come right up to you because they are weak or sick or starving or thirsty. You can do anything with them you want. This is what the one world government is doing with America right now. They have taken most of the soldiers out of your country to fight wars that should never have started for the past several years. They stole all the money and silver and gold from those countries when they took them over, and for what? Because they were trying to stay out of the other countries way and not go along with all their sins and sicknesses. This is the next step for America because the people are going against the government because they are finally seeing that both parties of the government are the same. They are both being controlled by the one world government. They let their parties change every so often so the people think that they will be better off when the next party gets in, but it gets even worse. The reason for this is because you as a country sold your souls to satan. You have lost the spiritual war against satan by falling for all his sickness and sin that he fed you the last several years.
The spiritual battle comes first. After you lose the spiritual battle, then the physical battle comes and will be lost also because God is no longer on your side. God still loves you and will let you be chastised and suffer very much in hopes that you will learn a lesson and fall on your knees and ask forgiveness so He can still help you to save your soul.
My children of America all your fancy houses and fancy cars and two jobs in most homes have already taken you to the bottom. The last thing left to do is for the one world government to cancel all the worthless money that you are using (not backed by anything of value) and return it to the value of the paper that it is printed on. My children, this is the whole truth about America. Your loving Mother from Heaven. Save your souls and forget the money and the houses and the cars because it is all about to be taken away. It has all been lost, but now it will be taken away. Love, love, and more love, Mother.