Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, July 28, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and the Blessed Holy Family
My dearly beloved son, this is Mother Mary. You are forgiven and the things you said that hurt anyone, just correct with love and if you know they do not listen, correct with hard love. That is the trouble with the world, the women are controlling the men by threat of divorce or sex. They try to do satan’s work out in the world and then expect someone to babysit their kids at no expense. This is from satan at his strongest. The women just blow the money on junk and ruin their children. They are teaching their husband and children the same life they are leading. It is time for the men to stand up and take over the family. The man will do anything for the woman if the woman does her role and listens, but if she controls everything there is no peace in the family. This is what you were told last night. This was not you, it was your God giving you the grace to stand up and be a man the way you should be if the world is to ever change. God the Father will speak.
My beloved son, you are suffering dearly because you are doing God’s will. The world is so sick that no one will do what I am telling them to do. The words you said to your friend and to your spouse were from Heaven. You have done what your God, the Father of all, is about to do to all the earth. Your God is fed up with all the mothers not taking care of their children whom I gave them. The men are acting like women and the women are acting like men. I have told you before that the children will never know the truth and always be in the gray area if the man is not the head and the woman the heart. This is why the world has to be stopped and restarted again. The woman has to be the heart and the man the head. The man the head and the woman the advisor, not the leader. They have to be obedient to their divine order that I, your God, has set up. This is your Father in Heaven, sick and tired of all of this. Sick and tired of all of the sins of the world and it will stop now, but still full of love and grace for all who will repent. Love, Father.