Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, April 14, 2014
Come Holy Trinity With Your Words Only
My most beloved son, this is your Mother Mary. I love you and all My children dearly. Times are getting worse all over the world. Much, much prayer is now needed to stop a major nuclear war. Satan has all the countries and people stirred up ready to do anything they can to try and prove that they are the biggest and the strongest nation. Prayer is the only thing left to save the majority of mankind. If a nuclear war starts there will be many millions upon millions of people killed instantly, and many will suffer a slow miserable death. The choice is yours My children. Keep acting like you are god or turn your will over to your real God, or pay the consequences. My Son will speak. This is your Sweet Jesus. I have told you many times that you are in the great tribulation. The warnings for My people are over. It must be prayer and action by My children to keep lessening the suffering. All the countries and their people will suffer like never before. Much grace is available and My heart is overflowing with love, but My children do not want to ask for forgiveness, and keep living in sin. You will suffer much if you do not ask forgiveness now during the Lenten season. This is the season of unbelievable graces. Please act now. Your Loving Jesus to a very stubborn people. My remnant prayer warriors are the only thing holding My justice back this long. Love, Jesus.