Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, This is your Jesus
My son I have confirmed to you in the last few days what you and your friend’s next step is—to start preparing for your next project. I have given to you and confirmed it in writing from your friends. I am giving part of your area a short blessing of weather before more comes, just for the sake of the prayer warriors and those who are listening. They are totally worn out from spiritual warfare and the long winter. I am giving them the next step in the spiritual battle in the tribulation so they can start to prepare for it. I give all My children that are listening, step by step information before it happens so they can be ready to take care of and to help the ones who are not listening to cope with the next step.
The next step will make your winter look like it was very easy. Things are going to continue to worsen all over the world so please prepare to be without food, water, and electricity at times, in many places, because the evil people are going to take America down as soon as I your God will give them the permission, because of all of the sin of the world and especially of America, because America was given many extra blessings to start as a Christian country.
So the time is now for more destruction to start after a brief break of time. No country will be blessed who kills their babies and passes laws to do so. The womb is the most sacred ground in your country next to the Tabernacle in which I am truly present. Each time a state passes another law on same sex marriage, there will be many consequences for that state. My children start speaking up loud and clear against these laws in your states and refuse to obey any of Obamacare that is against the Ten Commandments. All Christians know what the truth is because it is etched in their heart by God. Stop doing your will and start living God’s will.
Free will was given because your God will not hold you as a slave like satan does. But, your free will will take you to hell if you give your free will all to satan. Most of My children live in either God’s will, satan’s will, and their will or all three. My children you must start living in God’s will and your will and then start to try to live in just God’s will.
To enter Heaven, you must be purified in purgatory until all of your will and satan’s will have been purified from your soul and you have done all the suffering for past sins before going to Heaven. Other people still on earth can get you out of purgatory much faster if they have Masses said for you, and prayers, or offer suffering up for you or for all the poor souls. Plenary indulgences can help get you out quicker and also saying the rosary. These are just a few of the ways mentioned. There are many that will help. This is all for today, My children. This is the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday. Try to give up some sins for Lent. Your Loving Jesus. I love you all.