Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Come Holy Trinity, Your Beloved Mother Mary, the Mother of Jesus

My most beloved son, I love you dearly. Tell all of God’s children that We love all of Our children dearly with all of Our hearts. We send each of you a special blessing for Christmas. Christmas is all about Christ. Please welcome everyone with Jesus’ name for Christmas. Everyone in the top places is trying to throw Jesus’ name out of Christmas and do away with His name. This makes Us so sad in Heaven. Christ’s birth is what Christmas is all about not all the shopping and running that so many of My children are doing. Please just stop and forget about buying everything this Christmas and say a rosary for the ones you want to give something to and send them a card and say that I said a rosary for you. Or, have a Mass said for them. They will be much happier with this than any present you give them and 90% of all the presents that are given at Christmas nowadays is just some more junk that no one will use or needs. This is your loving Mother asking you to do something special for Heaven and all of your beloved friends for Christmas.
Love, love, and more love from all of Heaven. Thanks, son.