Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Urgent Appeal from Mary Rosa Mystica to the Children of God.
Little Children, in the Time of the Final Reign of My Adversary, the Great Nations Are Going to Be Led by Transgender Leaders!
Little children of my heart, may the peace of God be with you
Little ones, if the rulers of this world approve the laws of gender ideology, transgender societies imbued tomorrow with the spirit of evil, will join with all sects as the greatest persecutors of God's people. I tell you that every day these transgender societies are gathering more strength; they aim to end the Catholic marriage, the family composed of father, mother and their children, who make up the first and most important of societies.
Gender ideology is the work of my adversary, who wants to destroy the family as the essential nucleus of other societies. Remember what the Holy Word of God says in the book of Genesis: And God created man in his own image. He created them men and women. And he said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1: 27, 28) Since when can two men or two women co-habiting breed and give birth to another life? Make no mistake, you sodomites, you are children of iniquity; as slaves of impurity you serve the prince of this world!
Little children, at the time of the final reign of my adversary, the large nations will be led by transgender rulers. They will forcibly impose their ideology and customs and all those who do not obey their laws will be imprisoned, tortured and many will lose their lives, for not following or accepting this ideology. The greatest persecution of God's people will come from these transgender societies. The world will be taken over by them in all fields: social, economic, religious, political, cultural and sports.
Rise up, people of God, awake from your slumber, because the days of darkness are approaching! Prepare yourselves spiritually, because in those days there will be no truce; attacks will come at you from all sides and your mind will be a great battlefield, where only prayer and trust in God will give you freedom. During the final reign of my adversary, hell will be moved to the earth and all who distance themselves from God or walk in spiritual tepidity will be lost.
Don’t put down my tiny rosary, pray at all times; seal your mind every day with the Blood of My Son. His power, along with my Rosary, are powerful weapons to combat the kingdom of darkness. Consecrate yourselves every day to the Precious Blood of My Son and consecrate your families so that in the approaching days of darkness, no one is lost. If you do not pray, my opponent and his demons will take power over you; that is why from now on you must start making your mind a fortress of prayer, so that you remain steadfast in faith and thaat you may repel all the fiery darts my adversary sends you. Your mind represents the soul; do not allow it to be lost for lack of prayer.
Each dart that you receive in your mind, you ought to repel immediately with ejaculations to the Precious Blood of My Son or calling me and saying: Hail Immaculate Mary, come to my assistance. And I, your Mother, will fly to your aid. Also call upon Michael, Say his prayer of combat every day saying, Blessed St. Michael, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
So, prepare yourselves, my little children, because the days of the great spiritual battle are about to begin. Distance yourselves from the things and cares of this world. Open your hearts to the love of God and to the love of this Mother who loves you so and doesn’t want any of her little children to perish. Put it into practice, then, all that I tell you, so that you can remain in peace and in victory.
Make known my messages to all humanity.