Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, November 18, 2022
You Long to Find Yourselves at the Father House
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Carbonia 16.11.2022
It is the end of Satan's power!
My beloved bride, write to My people.
Jesus is your only Good, only in Him are you safe, your life is in Him.
My children, have that faith that moves mountains, trust in Me, I AM!!!
Go forth convinced of My Charity to you and do not be sad, ... never!
The world must see in you the joyful smile of Heaven, the joy of being life in Life!
The mighty ones of the Earth will now fall! Everything will return to God! It is the end of Satan's power! Oh, My people! Ungrateful people, ... you are deaf and blind, you do not want to pay attention to Me, you prefer to listen and follow the lies of the media!
Your salvation is in danger, O man: ...My cry of salvation come to you: ... save yourself by returning to Me My child, I alone am the One who will save you.
Beloved ones,
do not fall into the enemy's deadly trap,
turn away from the dark congregations,
walk in transparency,
live the holy gospel: you meet Jesus only there,
He guides you and keeps you safe in Himself
if you surrender yourselves to Him with confidence.
My children, the time has come to raise anchor and set sail!
Abandon everything that holds you to Earth! Lift up your hearts to the Most High, God is waiting to embrace you to Himself. Yearn for the Father's House, make up your minds for Heaven! Be aware, O men, that all must be forsaken of things here below; all shall be buried! Behold, you have time left to realize that you are of God, so repent!
You long to find yourselves at the Fatherly Home where the happiness lost on this Planet, you will find again forever.
Everything is in the direction of the Things of God!
Repent now O My people, wait no more time.
The end of this age has come, this ancient history is about to come down the curtain, God is in a hurry to open the new Earth to His children. Amen.
Source: ➥