Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 29, 2022
Prayer Is a Very Powerful Weapon against the Forces of Evil
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy
Message Of 08/26/2022 From Angela
This afternoon Mama came all dressed in white, even the mantle that wrapped Her was white, very thin, and the same mantle also covered Her head. On Her head the Virgin Mary had a crown of twelve stars shining strong.
The Virgin had Her hands joined in prayer, in Her hands a long crown of the holy rosary, white as of light, reached almost down to Her feet. The feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the serpent, wriggling mightily, Mama held him down with Her right foot.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here in My blessed forest, for welcoming Me and responding to this call of Mine.
My children, also today I am here to ask you for prayer, prayer for this world increasingly gripped by the forces of evil.
At this point, Mama said to Me, "Daughter come with Me and watch." I was like lifted up together with Her, walking behind Her. Then we stopped, I was like on a high hill and She said, "Look and pray together with Me." Mama pointed out various spots on the earth, precise to look at and invited Me to pray with Her. She showed Me what horrible things were happening in the world. I saw scenes of wars and violence, scenes of murder and suicide, scenes of prostitution and violence, She showed Me so much human wickedness. With Her head bowed, She kept showing Me scenes of all kinds of evil. Mama had a very sad face and Her eyes were filled with tears.
Daughter, this is just a little thing, which I showed you.
Then She started talking again.
My children, the world needs much prayer, prayer made with the heart and not with the lips.
Beloved children, there is no need for you to fill your mouths with prayer, if then your hearts are filled with hatred and anger. I am here to help you, please open your hearts and let Me in. In My heart there is room for everyone, please extend your hands to Me, grasp Mine and let us walk together.
My children, also today I invite you to form prayer cenacles, let your homes smell of prayer. Please listen to Me!
Prayer is a very powerful weapon against the forces of evil.
Pray, pray, pray. Let your life be prayer.
Learn to bless and not curse.
Then Mama stretched out Her arms and from Her hands, rays of light came out and flooded the forest.
Finally She blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.