Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Prepare Your Shelters, for the Persecution of Christians Has Begun, but You Need Not Fear
Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia in Trevignano Romano, Italy
Campagnano Romano
Children, thank you for being here in prayer, I bless this house, for like the first Christians there is prayer and sharing.
Prepare your shelters, for the persecution of Christians has begun, but you need not fear.
(Galatians 6 -7/9) "Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. Each one will reap what he has sown. He who sows in his flesh, from the flesh he will reap corruption; he who sows in the Spirit, from the Spirit he will reap eternal life. And let us not grow weary in doing good; for if we do not desist, in due time we shall reap. Therefore, since we have the opportunity, let us work good toward all, especially toward our brothers and sisters in the Faith."
Now I bless you and leave My peace in your hearts, amen
Source: ➥