Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, June 13, 2022
Beloved Children, I Ask You Once Again to Form Prayer Cenacles, Your Homes Must Smell of Prayer
Message from Our Lady to Angela in Zaro di Ischia, Italy
Message Of 08.06.2022 From Angela
Tonight Mother presented herself as Queen and Mother of All Nations. Mama wore a very light pinkish dress and was wrapped in a large blue-green mantle. The same mantle, also covered Her head. On Her head a queen's crown. In her right hand a white crown, as of light that reached almost down to Her feet. In Her left hand a small scepter.
Her feet were barefoot and rested on the world. On the world was the snake, which Mama held still with Her right foot. But he shook his tail hard and made a great noise. Mother pressed Her foot down hard, and so it was completely stopped and never moved again.
Praise be to Jesus Christ
Dear children, thank you for being here in My blessed forest.
My children, this evening I pray with you and for you. I pray for all your needs, I pray for peace to descend upon each of you.
Beloved children, also this evening I ask you for prayer, prayer for this world increasingly shrouded in darkness.
My children, evil is spreading more and more and many are turning further and further away from the truth. My children, Jesus is the truth, He alone, I beg you not to lose yourselves behind the false beauties of this world.
Beloved children, I ask you once again to form Prayer Cenacles, your homes must smell of prayer.
There will be very hard times ahead and many will be the trials you will have to overcome. Strengthen yourselves with prayer and the sacraments. Prayer will serve you to be strong when the trials become unbearable. The sacraments will help you overcome everything. I ask you for weekly confession; it is important that you do not feed on Jesus if you are in mortal sin. Many people feed on Jesus without ever going to confession. Please children, listen to Me. Do not make Jesus suffer any more.
Jesus is alive and true in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I ask you to bend your knees and pray! Pray much for My beloved Church but especially pray for the Holy Father, pray much for him.
Finally I prayed with Mother and at the end She gave Her holy blessing.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.