Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 18, 2022
Behold, Father, the lost son has returned to You!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Carbonia 15.03.2022 - 6:38 p.m.
God the Father faces this Humanity.
Where are you going, O men?
Where do you set your feet?
Whom do you acclaim?
To whom do you turn your hearts?
People of God, return to your Creator, do not wait any longer, everything is in the final stage, the time is now closed.
The hordes of the wicked will now turn against this Humanity that has not understood to whom it lends its side.
Days of terror are coming, Nations will fight, fire and despair will come, Men will not know where to lay their heads.
Disorder is upon this Humanity devoid of love and charity, devoted to the things of the world, forgetful of the Things of God.
Children of Jerusalem, return quickly to your Father in Heaven, to your Creator God, to your only Good.
Embrace the holy Gospel, O men, let the crown of the holy Rosary be in your hands and pray, pray and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Let your sight be to the Things of God, abandon the world, there is no more future on this Earth cursed by Satan, ... you will no longer have any good if you do not return to Him who created everything and who waits only to hear you call Him: Father !
Tell Me, child, in the repentance of your heart:
"Behold, Father, the lost child has returned to You!
Forgive his sins, open Your Breast to him.
... caress his miserable heart, transform it,
... let it be love and charity."
Source: ➥