Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Here is the day of the Lord!
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
My children, glorify your God with songs of praise, open your hearts to Him, cry out to Him all your love. You long to have Him in your heart, you long to enter His House to celebrate.
Behold, everything is ready, the Blessed Virgin will now enter your homes, take you by the hand, one by one, and lead you to those places predetermined by Me, those shelters desired by Me, where I will then give the gifts of the Holy Spirit through Mary Most Holy, the Co-redemptrix.
She will be your Guide in this battle, She will fulfill every will of God the Father, She will be a great warrior, She will be strong as a lion, ... Her Powers are those of God! God has chosen Her to be the Woman clothed with the sun, She who will destroy Satan.
These are decisive hours, My children, the war is now pressing, that is why I must intervene sooner, I must put everything in order, I must make My children safe. Do not be afraid, My children, mark your homes with exorcised oil and pray, pray intensely, at this time offer your every sacrifice to the desires of God the Father for the realization of His saving plan.
The door of Heaven opens, God the Father has given consent for His Son to come to Earth to manifest His Glory! Holy Mary is at his side. St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel, all the Angels and Saints of Heaven will be with you on Earth for the final battle.
You are now at the end of the Apocalypse, the Armaghedon is about to begin , the fight will be fierce, but God is with you! Mary Most Holy will lead you to the certain victory, the one that God had predetermined in Her and the small remnant that will be at Her side, faithful to the true doctrine in Christ Jesus. ... The law of God is one! ... there are no others My children!
Benedict XVI is now at his debut! He will manifest himself to the world and announce My coming! He will be removed from Rome.
Everything is imminent, be vigilant, wait for that moment with anxiety, when he will be removed from Rome, Hell will be unleashed on Earth! ... I will raise My children and bring them as I have told you to My refuges, they will be endowed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, they will be strong as lions and will follow Mary, in this ultimate plan in salvation.
I repeat again, My children, do not be afraid of anything, you will be in My refuges and you will be healed in My refuges, I will mark you forever in Me.
Do not be afraid of those who will declare you dead, ... do not be afraid, I have conquered death, you are with Me in Heaven!
Surrender yourselves to Me.
It is I, Who Am I!
Source: ➥