Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Monday, June 10, 2019
Second day of Pentecost.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:50 and 18:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, today you celebrate the second day of Pentecost. Let the Holy Spirit flow through you also today, for He brings you the necessary strength for the following everyday life.
Remember, the wicked man exercises his last and greatest power on all who live and bear witness to the truth. The truth is thrown to the wind and people think they can only use human power to control their own lives.
My beloved, you fold your hands in prayer. Be watchful that you may survive the coming time. You will feel the attacks from all sides when you stand up for the truth. Remember, you will be hated by all for my sake. The enemy will try to surround you and to lead you away. He will try to rob you of your strength. But if you firmly trust and believe, the enemy will be and remain powerless. .
Receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and live in gratitude. It will give you the wings of propulsion and you will not slacken. They will say evil things about you and scoff at you. It will go as far as contempt and even persecution. But you will stand firm against everything, because the Spirit of God is within you and will drive you forward in love. .
Continue to pay attention to the signs of God and do not rely on your human strength. Claim the Divine Power, for it will be given to you in due course. Words are given to you, which do not come out of you, yes, they will even amaze you yourselves.
The whole world is in chaos and in the sin of unbelief and fornication. Everyone is looking for help and comfort.
Nowhere will the truth be found, for one will want to nip it in the bud. Serious sins and offences will be legalized and covered up by the media. But quite soon my beloved ones will bring the truth to light. The sparrows will whistle it from the rooftops. You will not be able to prevent it. .
What about my faithful? You will persevere, my beloved ones, because you are all especially protected. Consecrate yourself to the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother, then you will have the full protection you need in this most difficult time. In love you can survive anything. The rosary will be a sure help to you.
What about the opponents of the true Catholic faith? Many will fall into severe depression or get diseases that are not curable because there are no cures for them, as they have not been researched so far.
Men will rebel and not want to accept the diseases for heaven's sake. The cross will be too heavy for them, for, after all, "a God, if there is one, cannot allow it" Thus they argue and do not think of their own guilt. They find it very difficult to repent and be converted. .
But there are also those who are willing to repent, who suddenly confess the true faith. You will get the insight. These will be so strong that they even want to missionize out of conviction.
A wave of conversion will come and many will not be able to understand that there are people who have so far rejected all faith in Jesus Christ, my Son, and are suddenly willing to talk about faith and even want to pass it on. They have insights that were previously foreign to them and which they have rejected quite vehemently. They became antichrists and persecutors of Christians and converted to the true faith overnight.
Suddenly her life has changed They become people who can pass on love, and become broadeners of the true faith. They feel another power in themselves, which they did not know before. .
The Holy Spirit can do this. Do not let this joy of Pentecost be taken away from you. Rejoice and be glad, for heaven has made you fishers of men, and you are the anointed and the messengers.
What joy the apostles of that time had when they spoke in different languages and one could understand the other .
Are we too willing to bring true faith to unbelieving men? Are you willing to take everything upon yourselves, if the situation allows you to testify your faith? You are given the strength to do so. I need only your free will to bear everything that can strike you. But for this you need the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that you can respond in patience and gentleness and also want to bear everything. You thus become missionaries in your places of residence.
You cannot imagine it, since you have so far broken off all contact with the non-believers. Now you ask yourselves, how is that possible?
My children, you should not worry about it. You will be guided and guided. The Holy Spirit works in you and He knows where He sends you and leads you.
Why are you so afraid? The Spirit of God has entered into your souls and will give you everything you need. He is your guide, on Him you shall rely and not become afraid.
You are still in the darkness of unbelief. But you will come to the light. The light comes into the world, but the world has not recognized it. You are the bringer of light. You bring Him, the Son of God. He is rejected because the world does not recognize Him. But He is the true light that comes into the world. You are now the bringer of light, like St. John. .
My Son came into the world, but the world has not recognized Him. And so it looks today. Everything is His property. But the world rejects Him, the Redeemer of the whole world.
But you, be convinced that He wants to save the world through you. Therefore spares no effort to bring the true light to men who still remain in darkness.
Out of whole and convinced love for all men you will become light bearers and you will not be dissuaded from bearing witness to faith. Do not be put off, for it is possible if you have the true drive. The Holy Spirit will drive you and encourage you to good deeds.
You believe in it and whoever believes will also hold back everything that is harmful to faith. But whoever spreads unbelief now will be damned. You are My witnesses and I send you with this day. You will be able to perform true wonders, wonders of faith.
I have anointed you this day with the oil that you may let the Holy Spirit flow into your hearts. He has such a mighty power that you feel it. You have become other people, courageous people.
My Son and I are one and will pour the love in you, a love you cannot understand. It will overwhelm you. You can suddenly endure things that were previously far away from you and caused fear. This will not be if you believe that the Holy Spirit will overtake you.
You enter into this world without faith and let yourselves be guided by what was hitherto alien to your being. I love you, My beloved ones anointed by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice every day, for the time is now fulfilled. You will no longer be silent about what you have done so far.
My beloved children, a tremendous time of upheaval is taking place in the Catholic Church. One wants to adapt the Church completely to the world, so that it is more conveniently presented to people and the commandments are no longer observed. .
It is easier to live, but the real and true faith is more and more put aside. One no longer recognizes him in people who are neighbors to themselves. They only turn on their own axis and forget to love their neighbor. In no case do they immerse themselves in the faith and pass it on courageously. They reject everything that belongs to the proclamation of faith because they meet with resistance. You just want to have your peace and quiet and not have to deal with any difficulties. But then faith falls by the wayside.
Up to now the Catholic faith has been trampled beyond recognition. Now all that is missing is the abolition of celibacy, so that marriage is reserved for priests. Thus the ordination to the priesthood and the priesthood is no longer valid.
And so it is with the other sacraments. One twists everything so that the true sacraments cannot be recognized and people live in grave sin without realizing it. It is a betrayal for all Catholic Christians who seek the true faith and do not find it.
The clergy has taken this guilt upon itself and they do not find remorse. They see their financial security and not their responsibility to the Christians. They wrap themselves in silence so that they do not lose their position.
With this you forget that there is an eternal judgment, from which no one can escape, not even he who lives the erroneous faith and even spreads it. Even in silence to untruth the clergy is not excused, but fallible and is to be called to account. .
Where are you, my beloved faithful priests? Why do you still keep silent even though you are robbed of the true faith? I love you and fight for every single priestly soul .
Give yourselves no longer to the unspirit, but receive the Holy Spirit, who gives you the true impulse. .
I bless you with all angels and saints and your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory especially with the Holy Spirit in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love and knowledge, to live and witness to the true faith.