Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Heavenly Father speaks after a long time through His willing instrument and daughter Anne, who has to bear the worst atonement suffering for a quarter of a year for the whole world and the Church.

An end is not yet in sight.


The Heavenly Father speaks: I, the Heavenly Father, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My Will and only repeats words that come from Me.

1st part.

Beloved little Anne, this morning I spoke to you when you woke up because yesterday you complained that you were not able to do enough work. Your work, which you wish for, I cannot give you at the moment, because I cannot take away this atoning suffering from you as you wish.

The whole church is devastated and lies in the mud. Will you also still leave me alone in your suffering of love and atonement? Do you want to give up or do you want to give Me, your Heavenly Father, everything, give everything out of love? Suffering of love is suffering of atonement. It is sacrifices that you make. And I wish from your little flock that you bring me these sacrifices to comfort the whole church. All the priests now leave me alone. I myself am going up Calvary in My Son step by step and this ascent you shall witness. It is My last time that you are experiencing now.

You, my little one, are suffering great pain. But do not give up, for you are there to comfort me with your small flock. You are four, only four people. But it depends on these four to continue climbing the steps. You must not give up. This destruction must be suffered until the last moment because I need atonement for the whole world. Will you now give up and leave me alone? I wish your suffering, I wish your pain and your sadness. They are there to comfort me. You comfort Me, the great, mighty, triune God, the heavenly Father. I suffer the greatest suffering in you, My little Anne. Do you still want to give up now? Do you want to despair or do you want to start over again? I am ready to speak for you at any time of day or night. Loud will I speak in your heart. And when you experience sadness, come to my little Anne, then I, the heavenly Father, will speak, because it is not she who speaks, but I, as my priestly son has already recognized.

You are at the end. You need this Divine Power. And I give these to you, because I love you immeasurably in every moment. Everywhere I am present with Godhead and humanity, not only in the tabernacle in your domestic church, but in every corner. I look into your eyes. And through you, my little Anne, I speak and am visible in your eyes. The brightness of heaven will shine in your eyes because you receive Divine words, they are not your words. It is not your power that is effective now, but my power. You lie unconscious and full of pain in your hospital room and want to give up. You may complain at any time, you may also complain about your pain, because that is human. Do not give up, but continue to advance! Call Me, call all the angels, call the Heavenly Mother, they will stand by your side. Everything is a gift. The Holy Mass of Sacrifice - is it not a daily gift for you? In My priestly son I transform Myself in every Holy Mass of sacrifice.

And My other sons of priests now all leave Me alone. They have become stubborn, blind and deaf to my words. That is why I beg you, do not leave me alone now, too. On you I rely, on you I trust, because I love you in every moment of your pain and suffering. Your work is now atonement, My little Anne. You mean, you are not loved by the Heavenly Father, and I would have to take away this suffering from you, then I love you. No, because I love you, therefore I give you this atonement. You do not need to understand it, you only need to say, "Yes Father, I love you. I will be there to comfort you. I will not leave you alone. I suffer it if you want me to, but support me, because I am weak. This weakness now makes itself felt in me, but I know that Your Divine Power is rebuilding me. You have now promised me to be allowed to call you at any time of the day or night, then you will answer me, you will speak to me, you will speak to the small flock and strengthen them.

The little band shall not be silent, but shall call upon me, ask me, implore me. Everything I will answer them. But they should not remain silent. At any time of day or night I am ready to speak. I want to tell you everything, but I want to be connected with you. I want to hear your suffering. I know about everything but I want to hear from you what is going on in your hearts. Because I love you, I want to hear everything. I want to take you in My arms. I want to be with you in every moment, to feel you, and this gratitude I want to feel in your hearts. If you really love me, speak to me, implore me and call on me. None of my priestly sons calls upon me as Heavenly Father that I may stand by his side. All My sons of priests have left Me alone and no one asks how I am, in this destroyed church, no one. All lie in the mire and no one wants to celebrate My Holy Mass of Sacrifice in all reverence, but only the popular mass, the modernistic one, and there I cannot be present. My sons of priests turn their backs on Me and I cannot transform Myself through them as I, the Heavenly Father, in the Son of God, would like to transform Himself. This is not possible. Because they turn their backs on me, they do not mean me, but themselves. They are enough for themselves and do not wait for Me. I, the Heavenly Father, want to be with them and am not allowed to.

Are you at least here to comfort me. I love you. I want to continue to be with you in every moment. Come to Me. Come to my heart burning with love. It will ignite sparks of love. Your hearts will be filled with this Divine Love that flows out. Rays of grace over rays of grace are sent into the world through this, which you cannot measure, because you, my beloved little flock, accept my love and are there to comfort me and climb the last steps of Calvary. These are the final stages: Love grief over love grief is required. Love over love, faithfulness over faithfulness, meekness over meekness, for I am meek and humble of heart and form your heart after My heart.

Be ready for this last time that has dawned, for your Heavenly Father is taking seriously. But he intervenes differently, my beloved ones, than you can measure. Everything will be different than you wish it to be because I Am the great Trinitarian God and no one, no one can ever measure how I will intervene. According to My Heavenly Plan everything will happen. And no one will know. My plan remains and I will put it into practice. Remain faithful to me, my beloved ones, and be ready to speak for me at all times, not for the others. You are four, who are completely there for me now. I do not need anyone else for this. You will partly put these messages on the Internet so that people will know how much I, the Heavenly Father, must now suffer everything in the soul of my little Anne. And that is enough for everyone. This will be repeated every day constantly and that is why no new messages will follow, but I will now be there all alone for my small flock, ready to speak day and night. Always I will speak loudly in the heart of little Anne, because they need this strength now. Nobody will be able to strengthen them - nobody. No doctor will be at your side, My little one, to help you to take away this pain. Only I, the Heavenly Father, knows about it. I know about everything, but you are to strengthen each other through my words. I beg you: Call Me, call Me at any time of the day and do not be sad and desperate, but go into this world full of hope!

Pain is more than doing activities, My little one, that you want to have. If you would do everything you wish for during the day and put My love suffering on the side for it, you have achieved nothing, you have done it for yourself. But I want something else from you, namely, that you bear my suffering, that you stand by my side, that you accept this suffering, even if it seems unbearable to you. You just can't give up! I, the Heavenly Father, suffer in you. I'm right here with you. I'm not leaving you. Only you, please, do not leave me with your little flock! I will always strengthen you with heavenly rays of grace and gifts. Be My little flock and remain them. Remain alone, for no one can help you in this suffering, no one but your Heavenly Father in the Trinity. I Am the most precious thing for you. Nothing can be greater than my love for you: boundless and incomprehensible, but for you the greatest. Do you want to follow this path now, up the last steps?

"Yes Father! But it is very difficult. Please strengthen me, because otherwise I will despair. I want to be here to comfort you."

2nd part.

Be ready for this suffering! It is a love grief, a love grief without end - daily, hourly. People are to experience that you, My little one, must suffer the suffering of the world, but they are also to experience that you do not give up and that it is not possible at the moment to put words on the Internet because I suffer through you, My little Anne. I cannot help but ask for this comfort from you, my little flock.

You, My retinue, support My little flock in the background. Support them, that is what I want from you! Do not give up and believe that you cannot get these messages you want at the moment!

It's all about this suffering. I, the Heavenly Father, have to endure this suffering for all of you, since I have to witness this all over the world. Only you are here to comfort me - unfortunately only you, my beloved ones.

I desire from My priest sons that they repent. They are still stubborn and mute. None of them is willing to celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast. No, they offer Me a mass. And in this I cannot transform myself when they turn their backs on me. But you, my little ones, you experience this Holy Mass of sacrifice daily. How much joy you give me and how much blessing and grace flows through it into the whole world. How much grace, how much joy, how much comfort you give me. That, My beloved little Anne, you cannot measure. Continue to carry your suffering.

You may sue. I say it again and again, I repeat it again and again: You may complain. I know how you feel. I know about everything. Do you think your Heavenly Father loses sight of you for a moment? No, not for a moment. I'm with you. In this suffering of love you give me the greatest joy with your little flock, which is to carry it along. And that is why I give this message into the world - that is why. I can say nothing else but talk about this suffering every day. Yes, your Heavenly Father also needs that He may speak, that He tells you daily again that He is grateful - I, the Heavenly Father. I want to thank you for everything. I suffer the atonement with and I do not give up because I need it. I will serve you through your priestly son. He stands by your side. You can give thanks every day that he perseveres at your side, but only through My Divine Power. I will put words in his mouth that support you, that prove to you that I love you, so that you do not give up.

Some days you wanted to despair. This is human and normal. But in this moment, your Heavenly Father is already standing by your side and guarding you. In your eyes the splendor of your Heavenly Father is visible. He is reflected in it. When you speak these words, I am in your eyes. Nothing can be more beautiful for you than to experience words from heaven. They should strengthen you daily. And you all need this strengthening. That is why I speak to you again and again. If it seems too heavy for you during the day, come to my little Anne. In this moment I will strengthen you through them because I speak through them. I speak in her heart. I Am in your heart, and I never leave you alone. You have become sad, sad and silent. That you shall be, but do not despair. You shall experience My strengthening daily. Daily comes to Anne. Through My Anne I will speak. She does not give up because I strengthen her. According to human judgment, she would give up everything, but I, the Heavenly Father, am in her at that moment and strengthen my beloved little flock.

Love suffering is atonement suffering. It is not easy to bear, but you want to do everything for your Heavenly Father. I am your support, your life. Nothing can strengthen you more than I can. Nothing are the words in the world but when your Heavenly Father speaks to you. What means more to you, the words and deeds of the world or words of the Heavenly Father? Only they can strengthen you because I want to be with you hourly and daily. Again and again I want to hear: "Father, I love you! Father, I won't give up! Father strengthen me! Father, I can't go on!" You may say all this, only tell me. Be not dumb, not quiet, not too silent, but all things I will now hear from you.

It is really coming to an end, My beloved ones. You feel it. Everything lies on the ground. The entire Catholic Church is on the ground. All men only experience the world when they do not love me. But through you I get that comfort I need now. Do you understand me correctly? I need you. I wish that you experience this suffering as a love affliction.

Your Heavenly Father sees the whole world lying in the mud. What I see, My beloved ones, you cannot measure. But then I come to you, and I am allowed to take you in my arms because you comfort me at that moment. Through suffering and through pain you comfort Me. Can you understand that I, the great Heavenly Father in the Trinity, need your comfort? Yes, it is. I wish your comfort and nothing else I wish from you. Then I, the heavenly father, am happy again because I have chosen you, because you want to be with me, because you again and again prove to me that you love me. And that is the greatest thing: love over love, faithfulness over faithfulness, meekness over meekness. I Am gentle and humble of heart. I form your heart after My heart. And in your heart I will dwell. I Am not only in you, My beloved little one, but in the whole apartment. Not only in the tabernacle I close myself, no, everywhere in your home I am present with Godhead and mankind. Can you understand that? I follow you in every moment. Everything you do, I see that. Everything that you suffer, I suffer. But your Heavenly Father is grateful when you say: "Father, I do not give up! Father, this suffering is a love affliction for You! For You I suffer it and to You I want to continue to be there for consolation, and to You I want to say everything, because my heart is full, full of atonement but also full of Your Heavenly Words".

My little Anne filled her heart with suffering and prayer. You mean you don't pray all day long. But you pray. In your heart you pray when you say: "Father, help me! Father, I can't go on! Father where are you?" You are there for me in every moment. You do serve me in your grief. And when you call for me, I know that you believe in me and trust in my love. You want to stand by My side and you see My suffering, My beloved little Anne, - You see My suffering. In this way you give me comfort when you do not leave me alone. You see Me in My Son Jesus Christ walking up Calvary. This is the way you are going now, my beloved little flock. Always one step forward not backward. Do not look back. You go upward, but only when I strengthen you.

You are connected with the Heavenly Father, My beloved little flock. In every moment and in every corner of your home I am present with Godhead and humanity. Therefore call, shout and do not become mute. Yesterday afternoon my little one said to you: "Speak, I must speak. Yes, My little one, you must speak to Me, and this speaking you do now. You can always call me. I will answer all the questions that are raised by my small flock and stand by your side. They shall strengthen you. I always want to prove to you: I am with you! I love you boundlessly, My beloved little ones!

Continue to come to Me and prove to Me that you really love Me. Amen.


