Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, August 15, 2014

High Feast of Our Lady, Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the altar of Sacrifice was bathed in glittering golden and silver light, as well as the tabernacle and the symbol of the Trinity. But especially the Blessed Mother shone with her twelve-star wreath, which was brightly illuminated, in a sparkling glow. The white and the red roses were decorated with diamonds. The Queen of Roses scattered roses during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The baby Jesus blessed us. The holy archangel Michael again struck his sword in all four directions and kept evil away from us. Jesus with His thorn-entwined loving heart and the thorn-twined heart of the dear Mother of God were merged.

Our Lady will speak today, on Her feast day: I, your dearest Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only words that come from Me today.

My beloved children, My beloved Mary's children and pilgrims from near and far, of Wigratzbad and Heroldsbach, My beloved followers, My beloved little flock, I, your Heavenly Mother, would like to thank you especially today for this feast day in which you honor Me to the fullest extent. The objection from the 12th to the 13th and the objection from the 13th have preceded.

Today I celebrate My feast day and I thank you again and again that you make so much effort to do Me the honor and celebrate Me. In this state where you are, My beloved little flock, you are celebrating this feast of the Assumption of Mary. You cannot celebrate this festival in the north. You, my little ones there in Göttingen, do not have this feast day in your country. Unfortunately, the diaspora, Protestantism and ecumenism have entered there. But here, in this place where you have united at the Holy Sacrificial Altar, you may celebrate this feast. I love you immeasurably.

Some instructions I would like to give you. It corresponds to the truth that I, as Heavenly Mother, did not have to suffer death, but heaven and earth have joined together in this moment of my deep sleep. Afterwards My foster son Johannes saw Me visibly ascending into heaven. No, I did not die, because in My coffin, after being made sure, there were only herbs. These herbs, My beloved ones, you have consecrated today. Cherish her. I wanted them to be blessed and consecrated. Put them on your lunch table after this message.

My beloved children, My beloved little flock, beloved pilgrims from near and far, yes your dearest mother loves you. She blesses you again and again and forms you. She asks for special strength from the Heavenly Father. Yes, I may form you in holiness. You shall advance in this your striving for holiness. Father Kentenich is a special example to you in this.

My beloved little flock, you are still separated. However, the same Holy Sacrificial Feast takes place on both altars. Invisible to you in Göttingen, but visible in this house chapel in Mellatz. It is not a grinding community as in Protestantism and Modernism. No, you have celebrated a Holy Mass of Sacrifice, just as your Heavenly Father has asked you to do. You, My beloved priest son, have celebrated this feast and this sacrifice at the altar of sacrifice today. Only this one, holy sacrificial meal is worthy and valid and corresponds to the full truth. My beloved son Christian Sch. has no right to devalue this holy sacrificial meal.

At this moment Jesus says: If the priests in modernism turn their backs on Me, it cannot be in accordance with truth and validity. A Holy Sacrificial Feast is valid only if My son of priest, who celebrates this Holy Sacrificial Feast, looks at My tabernacle during the Holy Sacrificial Feast. Everything is sanctified at the altar of sacrifice. Holy Communion may only be administered by the priest, and that is in oral communion. Surely it cannot be true if this Holy Communion - yes, I myself - is distributed by the laity in hand communion? No, this does not correspond to the truth and the modernistic meal communion is not valid, because in these meal communions I cannot transform myself, Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the Trinity.

With bare reason, My beloved children and especially you, My children of Mary, you can grasp this. But my beloved sons of priests do not want to understand it and do not want to fathom it; they turn away from me, their beloved Savior Jesus Christ, although they were consecrated by me. They have forgotten their consecration hour. Many things have changed in modernism. Everyone has to keep their distance there over time. So it will happen when My Heavenly Father demands it of all the sons of priests all over the world! But the time is not yet reached, My beloved children. Be vigilant and persevere, for the wicked one walks like a roaring lion. If you persevere, My beloved children, nothing will happen to you.

In this moment now again Our Lady says: My beloved children from near and far, My beloved Mary's children, I support you in this time with My many angels, yes, with trillions of angels. I am sending them down to you in temptations because you need them, because in this time on earth, which you are experiencing, many things will happen and the Heavenly Father allows this, which makes this Church sink even further. It already lies in destruction. The New Church, my beloved children, cannot arise because the sacrificial mass is not yet celebrated, because my sons of priests have said a clear no to it until today. They do not understand that they should celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast. They reject it because they see their power dwindling. They do not want the divine power to come into them. They do not want to make sacrifices. They are not willing to stand at an altar of sacrifice to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in full validity.

You, My beloved little flock, celebrate daily this valid Holy Sacrificial Feast. You are willing to make sacrifices again and again. Although it is very difficult for you to endure, you say your yes to Heavenly Father. And I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Angels and Queen of Priests, continue to support you in your plans.

Nothing happens that heaven does not wish for. You are protected from all sides. Also you, My little one, will experience and suffer much, especially also today on My feast day. You cannot understand that your heart beats such capers. Yes, it is approved by Heavenly Father. My feast day is also connected with suffering, with pain and for you, My little one, also with illness. Every day, one disease after another alternates. It is to be so, because only through suffering will you be led closer to my Son, Jesus Christ, and you will once see eternal glory forever. You will attend the wedding feast. You cannot understand how that is supposed to be. But surrender yourselves to the will of My Heavenly Father. He is indeed in your hearts. Your hearts will glow with love: love over love, longing over longing and faithfulness to the last. Yes, that will bring you a lot of trouble. But you will overcome them. If I, your dearest mother, were not with you, you could not bear this. That is why my beloved son has chosen me as his dearest mother. That is why I was allowed to receive My Son, the Godhead, in My womb, because I should also be your mother, because I am also born in your hearts.

You will feel that today special graces will go out from this, My feast. Special rays of grace are emitted. You will be able to receive them and pass them on. In this place Mellatz, these rays are especially spread. Here, too, people do not believe, but I will ask My Son that He touch their hearts and that they feel: I, the Heavenly Mother, will be with them. They too no longer worship Me, and they no longer love Me, because they do not even want to participate in a Holy Mass of sacrifice on Sunday. All of Mellatz lies in darkness, in misbelief and disbelief.

Yes, My beloved children, My beloved children of Mary, you cannot understand this. Why did My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity send you to this place? Because it is necessary and because you are here near my place of pilgrimage Wigratzbad. Is it still like it was with the founder Antonie Rädler? Are there still the symbols of her in the Church of Atonement? Is the Holy Spirit still blowing there in full measure? No! Everything was changed after Freemasonry. How much I long for holiness and for the truth, My beloved children of Mary.

You too must no longer be with me here. You have been cast out and you are persecuted. But you believe in your Heavenly Mother, that She supports and protects you, as does the Holy Archangel Michael. Above your House of Glory I appear with My Bridegroom, St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel. Everything is in Divine Providence. Sometimes you can't grasp how much holiness there is in this house - pure holiness. From the highest floor to the lowest, you are wrapped in holiness, because I want to see My beloved Mary's children safe. I always spread out my protective cloak over you when the wicked one wants to tempt you, when he wants to take away your strength, like you, my little one, so that this speaking in cannot take place. You said yes despite your great dizzy spells. You have believed and you have trusted. I thank you for that. You will experience many things that you cannot understand, but if you trust and believe more deeply, many things will become clear to you in your hearts.

You are separated from all of them. This is the way it has to be. Especially, My Son and the Heavenly Father, as well as the Holy Spirit, wants to thank you that you, My little one, have called so many priests and believers to forgive them for what they have done to you, ultimately to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. You tried to touch her. You have fulfilled the will of the Heavenly Father. Much has been thrust upon you. You could not understand it because your human power was overtaxed, but the Divine Power did not leave you. There are still many believers who must be called according to the plan of the Heavenly Father. You will not give up, My beloved little one, although it is very difficult for you. I, as Heavenly Mother, will continue to support you and will continue to do so today. Do not give up when your strength lets you down, yes, even to the point of powerlessness. Then go further, because you must know that you are striving for holiness and the striving for holiness goes to the top of Golgotha. This means suffering and illness for you.

Your dearest mother never gave up either. The pain was sometimes unbearable for me, which I suffered for my son in his life on earth. How much did I have to put up with? The separation from My Son after thirty years, the Way of the Cross that I had to go along, and yet I have overcome everything in Divine Confidence. Then my son had to separate from me and I had to go on living on earth. That is especially hard for me, because without him, I meant, I cannot live here on earth. But it went on until My Ascension. I had to hold out until then. The calculation of time in heaven is different from that on earth. That is why I cannot explain to you how the streams of time were. If I were to tell you five years, it would be five years for you but that is not the time calculation of the Heavenly Father. Five years can be fifty years in heaven. But I will not be allowed to give you any further information about it.

Resist in all difficulties! Be faithful to heaven in patience, in gentleness and in love! Love one another, for the love of the Triune God and the love of your Heavenly Mother with all the angels carries you!

And so I bless you here and there in Göttingen in the Trinity with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven! Live love, for love is and remains the greatest. Amen.


