Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Third Sunday of Lent.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The entire altar of sacrifice was bathed in glistening light, which flickered silver. The Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus were in the same glistening light, as were Saint Michael the Archangel and Padre Pio. The entire Way of the Cross was brightly illuminated during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice again and again in the individual stations. The Merciful Jesus and the Pieta shone in a bright light.
Also today the Heavenly Father will speak on this third Sunday of Lent: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, at this moment, on the third Sunday of Lent in the year 2013, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely at My will and repeats only My words and is firmly convinced of these words that they are true.
My beloved believers, My beloved followers and My beloved little flock and pilgrims from near and far, all of you have rushed to this altar of sacrifice on this day. It is the third Sunday of Lent and the first Sunday on which you no longer have a Supreme Shepherd. After the resignation of his office on February 28, he fulfilled my will on the one hand. I said according to the messages: Let him lay down his office to save his soul. On the other hand, it was My wish in the Year of Faith to declare this Vatican II ineffective. You have not done this My beloved priest and cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and My beloved Benedict. So I will continue to address you, because you are not the second Holy Father that will exist when the new one is elected. You can no longer bear this name of the Holy Father that you have borne until now.
You yourself wanted to resign your office. I am the Omniscient and the Almighty God in the Trinity. I know about your worries and I am the only one who can see into your soul. She has suffered greatly from the misbelief and disbelief you have spread. Your soul is completely restless. It lies in disbelief and delusion. You know it yourself, My beloved Benedict.
How I long for your soul now, for I want to save it. I wish that you will go into solitude and in that solitude you will realize what the truth is. What you announced corresponded to the mistaken belief. Not interreligiousness corresponds to the truth. You know that too, My beloved Benedict. You cannot continue to spread this interreligious belief. Go into the silence and look into your heart and see what chaos this unbelief has caused in your soul. You no longer know what truth is, and you certainly do not know how you are to proclaim the truth, because you have so far proclaimed unbelief, and you have called it truth. Is it the truth to believe in all religious communities? Is this the truth, My beloved Benedict? Is Allah the true God? He would be otherwise. He would be the same God you worship as the Triune God. But Allah is the idol.
I am the way the truth and the life. You want to receive me as savior, who knocks at the door of your heart and who desires to enter your heart, because you are to receive me as true food of heaven but not in error and unbelief. I wish you to return.
Lent has begun and you have already celebrated the third Sunday of Lent. Fasting, prayer, sacrifice and atonement is the order of the day, My beloved Benedetto. It is to be my pet name for you, because I desire nothing more eagerly: turn around and show the world what you have spread for a mistaken belief and repent of it with all your heart. Find a suitable confessor who will go one with you and search your soul so that you may recognize the evil you have done and stand before this holy sacrament in repentance. I have also instituted this sacrament for you so that you may repentantly take back all the chaos that has been wrought in your soul. A pure soul strives for heaven and truth. An impure soul strives for the opposite. Because who is against me cannot be for me. There is only one thing: Either there is Me entirely for you in total surrender or you tend to evil. The evil one ensnares you. He wants you to believe him and he wants you to fulfill his will, not mine. You are being tempted, My beloved Benedetto. Isn't it bad that I can't protect you? Why? Because you have to realize for yourself what the truth is and live and follow it.
My beloved Pope, who resigned of his own free will, you cannot claim that because of your weakness you wanted to throw off all this burden and go to a monastery and watch from afar who will be the next Supreme Shepherd. You cannot say before he is elected, "I am emulating him and I obey him. How will you know that this new Holy Father is in My truth? You can't know. I alone am the Triune God, the Omnipotent and the Almighty and the Omniscient. I alone know who will next ascend the throne of the Supreme Shepherd. I alone know it. And I know that he continues to lead you astray, even deeper than before. He will appear as Antichrist. He will spread heresies.
And you, beloved Benedetto, have sold Me. You betrayed me in Assisi. You have not proclaimed your true faith and ministry, what it means to be the Supreme Shepherd of the Catholic Church. That would have been your duty and your task and your mission for the whole world church, the Catholic Church. Did you do that? No! You have not witnessed Me.
How much your Heavenly Mother wept bitter tears for you with her dear Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, the only begotten Son of God, who walked the Way of the Cross and gave His life only for the one Holy Sacrifice. From His side wound flowed blood and water - the New Church - the true Church. And what is left of this true church today? A heap of rubble, a chaos. Nothing that was before is there anymore. The Rock of Peter is destroyed. What could only be destroyed has been destroyed there. The misbelief became more and more widespread - in all countries. And I, beloved Benedetto, had to watch how to destroy My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. But I am still the Regent of My Church. The true Catholic Church will never go under.
I have already provided and founded it on January 1st 2012 in Mellatz in My House of Glory, in My House Chapel. There you have testified, My beloved little flock, that it is My Holy Catholic Church. You will tell all who want to know: "Yes, that is where the Heavenly Father took over His reign and founded His New Church. Now He wishes to found His priesthood anew. I wish that with all my heart. This costs many blood tears of My Mother and it costs much suffering for you, My beloved little messenger and atonement soul. How much you have suffered for My Benedetto. Every day anew you said yes: "Yes, I pray for him, I atone for him, and I know that he does wrong to you, but I hope that he will turn around and find his way back to you, dearest Heavenly Father, because deep in his heart the foundation is laid. You can build on this foundation if he says yes. Knock again and again at the door of his heart until he opens it and accepts and proclaims the true faith.
I wish, dear Benedetto, that you now repent from the bottom of your heart and do not consider the disobedience of the new pope to be right. You can't. You must not do that. I admonish you. It will be a heretic and an erring chief shepherd, who never proclaims the truth, but leads you deeper into erroneous faith through many heresies. Outwardly you will not recognize it, my beloved ones, because Satan is cunning. In Satan is pride and pride has come to the Vatican. There the cardinals did not understand their mission and did not pass it on to you, beloved Benedetto, in responsibility. They have also failed as you have failed. But hope remains with you, my beloved. You will not give up, you will want to fight for your soul, when so many pray, atone and sacrifice for you? My little one and My beloved little flock, who supports them, pray and atone for you daily. They never let a day pass without having performed a prayer to me for you. I love you!
Today, on this third Sunday of Lent, I wanted to tell you this. It is the first Sunday that you do not have a chief shepherd. It is the first Sunday after the resignation of his office.
Yes, My beloved ones, is this not painful for all of you? Can you see past that? Is not today a special day that I, as Regent of My Catholic Church, have firmly taken the scepter in my hand and am leading the Church without having a representative on earth? Pray, atone and sacrifice also for this new Supreme Shepherd, because he needs it. The prayers of atonement for him are performed daily. I love him, too, and no one would I like to see in the eternal fire, in the eternal abyss, for that lasts eternally. I want to save everyone, even those who do not believe.
To you, my beloved ones, I would like to remind you once again of the mission: Repent and pray for those who lie in unbelief, for you shall save all. Keep on having this wish deep in your heart. Repent, pray and sacrifice for the salvation of souls that are not yet in the truth.
I love all and I want to press them to My heart ardent with love, all, My beloved ones from near and far, all priests who once gave Me their yes at the ordination. They willingly gave it. Dear sons of priests, do not take it back and follow Me, your Savior, your dearest Jesus Christ in the Trinity and celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V.
And so today especially your dearest mother, who suffers many pains for her priestly sons, blesses you. Turn to her and ...
Dear Heavenly Father.
The Heavenly Father continues: ... willingly give yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, for this is important, My beloved ones. Press your heart to Her Immaculate Heart, for She alone is the One who on My Throne prays for you day and night that you may and will repent.
And so, in all love, in all faithfulness and perseverance in this time of crisis of faith, bless you, the Triune God with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest, most holy Mother of God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity. I want to press all of you to my heart burning with love because I love you immeasurably. Amen.