Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Trinity Sunday. Patron celebration of the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The feast of the Holy Trinity is also our patron saint's feast here in Mellatz in the house chapel. The Heavenly Father himself told us that this house chapel should be consecrated to the Blessed Trinity. After that the symbol of the Trinity was added.
Flocks of angels in large numbers were present during the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz. They moved in and they moved out, because they had a great joy and wanted to praise, glorify and worship the Triune God today, just as we honored Him on our patron saint's day. We praise and glorify the Trinity because we know that there is only one God in the Trinity. Three persons and one God. This is the true Catholic and Apostolic faith, which exists only once. There is only one faith in the whole world, and all should orient themselves according to it, then there would be unity in all countries.
The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who in her grave sufferings cannot be dissuaded from taking up and reproducing this objection.
Yes, My beloved ones, what a great feast! You were allowed to celebrate the Trinity in your sacred house chapel in Mellatz today. What a great joy! Can you understand and fathom this great mystery? Can any of you, My beloved clergy, explain or perhaps fathom this mystery in theology? No! You can have several doctors, but despite everything you cannot deconstruct and fathom this great mystery.
But to My little daughter Anne I have given this message and this instruction today for those who believe in the Trinity.
My beloved believers from near and far, My beloved little flock, My beloved little followers, you believe in it. You have been baptized with the water and the Holy Spirit. Saint John baptized with water. It was a baptism of repentance because he was the forerunner of My Son Jesus Christ. I have said: He who believes and is baptized is saved! But he who does not believe will be damned!
My beloved clergy, believe in these My words, because you are responsible for everything you teach and proclaim in this world. Still today you believe in the episcopate, which teaches you erroneous faith, and you do not realize it. You still do not notice it until today, according to my many instructions, prophecies and incantations, which you have read. You cannot hide it from me, because I am the omniscient, the almighty and the omnipotent Triune God. He will show himself to you soon.
Do you believe, My beloved clergy, that you can deny the Godhead? do you believe that you are allowed to despise My messengers and that these messages I send out into the world, because I have guided My messenger Mary with My Hand, are not true? They are My words, which she wrote down in the 'Warning'. And you, My beloved priestly son of a great Catholic broadcaster, are giving into the world that these messages should be torn up or even burned! What great arrogance of you. Why are you so proud? Have I not given you enough talents to use in your station, which broadcasts to many countries. Why is it not enough for you to use your talents in your station?
must you despise My messengers whom I am giving you now, in the very last time, to reach the full knowledge of My Truth? Do you believe, My beloved priestly son, to whom You have pronounced so many wickedness, that although more than 6,000 people are interested in these messages every day and click on them on the Internet, these messages can be of evil and that these prophecies and messages should be burned without ever having read them? It is a great opportunity that I give to the whole world through My beloved messenger Mary. She is still willing to proclaim these My Messages, whether convenient or inconvenient. She has agreed to it and she is suffering.
Just as maliciously you have condemned My messenger Anne, whom I have chosen and who repeats My Words, the Words of the Heavenly Father, and puts them on the Internet for the whole world, also in this way and used these words: "You could tear up these messages or even burn them. I have written you a letter from my heart. Through My messenger he was sent to you and you did not consider this chance. On the contrary, you have committed one sacrilege after another, for it is sins against the Holy Spirit that weigh heavily. Have you regretted this, My beloved priest son? Do you think that because of you I have to suffer unspeakable torments today on this My great feast of the Trinity? My blood drips again to earth because I cannot bear it how my messengers are so wickedly despised and denied and still announce this to the whole world.
Jesus Christ speaks: My beloved priestly son, I still have longing for your heart. And what are you giving My most holy heart today on this great feast? Contempt and mockery! You have scourged Me again with scourge blows. Do you think this can go unpunished? No! It is not possible. I received these scourge blows through you, and My wounds grew bigger and bigger and My blood ran to the earth. Again today I must suffer these scourges in My little beloved messenger who has become My Passion Flower and Flower of Sorrows, who agrees to give Me her will and give herself as a plaything for Me. Today I can make her suffer, tomorrow I can deliver her from her suffering, as it is My desire.
The heavenly Father continues to say: But today, on this great feast, My dearest Son suffers in her, which was to be a happy day in heaven. The angels are ready to sing the Hosanna, but tears are streaming from her eyes, as from the eyes of My Son Jesus Christ in the Blessed Trinity. And My Mother? Have not her wounds grown larger? Has not Her pain become more unbearable through you, My beloved priestly son? How can you inflict such great torments on Me and all Heaven on this feast day? Your pride and arrogance prevent you from humbly confessing your sins, your grave sins.
Again I say to you: Seek out a confessor, a holy priest, who does not celebrate the Holy Trentine Sacrificial Mass and at the same time the Communion of Meals like you do, but only according to My wish and will the Holy Trentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. He will forgive you if your remorse for your wrongdoing and your outrages is deep enough. I will take you in my arms after such a deep penitent confession.
But what is it like inside you? I see into your heart. It is unforgivable. It feels no remorse, it feels no pain, it also feels nothing for my messengers sent by me, who use everything to save the world, to be atoning souls and to make atonement for the entire clergy, for the episcopate and for the Curia with the Chief Shepherd, who also still today holds this meal fellowship at a grinding table and does not regret this, although he knows exactly what the truth means and what the true faith is. But he does not profess to the Catholic Church. Yes, he has become a heretic and an antichrist.
I have already explained everything to you why the great event was in Assisi, where he himself sold My Church with the Judas kiss and thus became an Antichrist. To an antichrist he has reached out his hand and has not confessed his faith and has not put My dearest Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, in the center with the Holy Rosary. Did he show this rosary to the people, that he prayed it, that he could draw all men to heaven with him? No! He didn't do it. And that is why, my beloved ones, I had to recite this again today because many do not read all messages at the same time when they become ripe for saying.
Today, on My feast, I had to announce this pain to you. Much more happens in the whole world through the mockery of my Son himself, through the mockery of my messengers who give everything, who give themselves and still want to announce in the greatest pain because they love me, because they love me unspeakably. That is the reason. They give everything for me. They cannot help but love me because I have chosen them and they again and again completely fulfill my will and my plan.
Beloved little messenger Anne, I love you! Do not be sad that today, on this My great feast day of the Blessed Trinity, I could not forgive you this great atonement because My Son Jesus Christ suffers this pain in your heart today and you suffered with Him. That's why there is so much pain. This also causes me great pain when I see my messengers suffering and am not allowed to help. I would like so much to hold her in my arms. I want to forgive you, My little one, the suffering on such a great feast day, the patron saint's feast today in the house chapel. It has caused me great pain. And yet, My beloved, you will continue to follow Me. And you will wait patiently until I can take away this pain, because otherwise this entire clergy, which has participated in the atrocities, will sink into the eternal abyss. Thus, through your suffering you have given them another chance to repent and to want to repent.
I thank you with all my heart! I thank your beloved little flock, which has so reverently prepared this great feast for me today. I thank you for everything that you do out of love for Me and do not give up and prove to Me every day: "We continue! We are not giving up! We persevere until the end and cost it our lives, because we are united with You, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, in intimate love and faithfulness!
And so I bless you in full gratitude, faithfulness and love, with all angels and saints, especially with My beloved Mother, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Never forget the love that I give you daily and let men through yours sacrifice and atone again get the chance to wake up from the sleep of death to not have to sink into the eternal abyss. Amen.