Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, March 17, 2025
Come Silently to My Immaculate Heart, This Heart That Was Born from the Sacred Heart of My Son
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady to Gérard in France on March 8, 2025

The Virgin Mary:
My dear children, may God bless your Love. That you be Love is the first thing that must motivate you. There will come a time when you will no longer find the courage to go to Him, the One who is Love. Guard your hearts. Come silently to My Immaculate Heart, this Heart that was born from the Sacred Heart of My Son. That is why we are One and the same Heart. See where you are in your life; be united to Our Hearts; be One with your God who loves you. Amen †
My dear children, My Friends, may grace accompany you during this time of Lent. Walk in My footsteps, do not lose yourselves in useless reflections. Pray and love your neighbor. The sentence will be terrible for those who show the courage to deny Me. Amen †
When I said to you: Love one another, was it only for that time or would it also be done by following Me afterwards? Yes! This time is constant, it has never been abandoned. If you abandoned this time, you would not be able to receive the grace I have prepared for you. Amen †
In 40 days, you will have celebrated Easter. Follow Me in your time, which must be a time of penance. Refuse to come to Me without going through the confessional. You need to be clean inside; clean means sins forgiven. Amen †
I love you and with Mary and Joseph, We bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Live in the Love that will free you from your sins. Amen †
"I consecrate the world, Lord, to Your Sacred Heart",
"I consecrate the world, Virgin Mary, to Your Immaculate Heart",
"I consecrate the world, St. Joseph, to Your fatherhood",
"I consecrate the world to You, St. Michael, protect it with Your wings." Amen †