Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, March 14, 2025

Pray for the Sick, for Orphans and Widows, for the Imprisoned and Dying, for the Marginalized and Discriminated Against. Pray for Those Who Are Alone

Message of the Madonna of Fatima to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on January 17, 2025


May the Most Holy Trinity be glorified. I am here, I am here. I am the VIRGIN OF FATIMA, QUEEN OF THE ROSARY. Meekly accept the Message of Heaven, always repenting of your sins. Repent and God will always forgive you. He always forgives anyone who errs and repents, anyone who asks FORGIVENESS from a contrite heart.

Beloved children, Fatima continues NOW in Brindisi and you are called to believe, to pray; to come HERE to pray every fifth day of the month. I desire Rosaries, Rosaries. I desire Prayers. I thirst for Prayers, Novenas and Chaplets.

Times are dark, but Jesus is the LIGHT. HE IS HOPE AND NEW SPRINGTIME OF THE SOUL. Entrust yourselves to Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus the Merciful. Do not be hard-hearted, for you all err. Pray for one another and love, forgive; correct yourselves with charity, without anger, resentment and resentment.

Abandon envy and backbiting. Use brotherly charity and leave all judgment to God. He will take into account your wounds and traumas, your losses, your weaknesses and frailties, your past of pain and loneliness.

Pray for the sick, for orphans and widows, for the imprisoned and dying, for the marginalized and discriminated against. Pray for those who are alone.

You are part of My Flock, Remnant Church of the Last Times. Spread the Messages of Love and Reconciliation.

REPAIR, remove thorns from My Heart. REPAIR, wipe away My Motherly Tears.

Jesus wants to save everyone, everyone! He is ready to forgive you, He is the GOOD Shepherd. Shalom, Shalom, Shalom.


