Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Adore, Venerate, Repair My Holy and Loving Face
Message of the Holy Face to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on December 14, 2024

Adore, venerate, repair My Holy and Loving Face.
Expose My Divine and Holy Face at home, It will console you in affliction, you will be comforted in distress. When you are sad, contemplate Him, and you will have Divine Joy. Do not lack My Adorable Face in the homes of My believers. Adore My Face, contemplate Him. Be silent and pray. Do not murmur any more, repair. I am so sad because of degenerate humanity. Sin no more, repent. Purify yourselves more, consecrate yourselves to My Holy Face.
Beloved children, Elect of the Last Times, My Flock: believe in Me, Jesus of Nazareth. It is Time to believe and pray, Time to repair your mistakes.
Fast on Fridays. Do not tire of doing good, flee from evil. Flee from temptations, seductions, illusions and obsessions. Turn away from the pagan and atheistic world.
Satan tempts everyone to sin. You resist him and he will turn away from you.
Bless, do not curse. Invoke Divine Mercy.
“Satan walks around like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour.”
Put on the armor of the Holy Spirit. Pray on your knees near the HOLY ALTARS, THERE I will speak to you in the PURE SOUL.
Pray to My Face thus:
Holy Face of My Beloved Lord, I desire to adore You and to repair You for the offenses received in time. You are the ICON of the Divine Trinitarian Love. You are the Treasure of the True Church of God. I want to wipe away the Tears that flow on You for the world sick with hatred, envy and backbiting. I consecrate myself to You, Holy Face of my Glorious King. Enlighten me. Inspire me purity and holiness, meekness and humility, compassion and piety, wisdom and charity. Give me grace to be truly converted to You. Purify me, heal me. Worthy of praise You are, Divine Face. I prostrate myself before You and bless You deeply. Face of Love, save me with Clemency and Goodness. I trust in You. Amen.
(The Holy Face was bright, resplendent. Angels adored Him on their knees and Mary pointed to Him as the ICON OF THE TRINITARY LOVE. Several tears were streaming down from Him)