Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, February 7, 2025

To Those Unrepentant Who, in Arrogance and Domination, Crush Their Brethren, Persecute and Destroy Them, While Claiming to Be Bearers of Truth, I Say Repent

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on February 6, 2025


Reference: 1 Samuel 15

Samuel, at the request of the Lord goes to anoint Saul, gives him the mission to go and exterminate the Amalek and to make a devotee by interdict (to destroy entirely and not to touch or take objects or to protect certain people) everything in this place of opprobrium.

Saul gathers his army and goes to Amalec to accomplish his mission. On the other hand, he spares and favors some people, makes some of the people flee, takes the interesting booty and puts the rest of the people to the sword, before returning home.

By this time the LORD had already commissioned Samuel to make known to Saul His irritation and regret at having chosen him to entrust His people to His care. So that Jehovah removes Saul from his mission and punishes him for altering Jehovah's request and acting according to his own desire, above the Divine Will.

Word of Jesus Christ:

"Be blessed by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, your God who has chosen you daughter of Love, Light and Holiness."

God in His benevolent Authority announces that He is calling to His mission the king chosen and prepared in trial. The nobility of this king has never failed. His obedience to God, his humility and gentleness have captivated the cohort of Angels and Saints accompanying him.

Faithful people, repentant people who solicit Heaven to raise the Day of Deliverance, you must also go through the purification of your souls and pray for your brothers and children to be attentive to God's call. He is coming to cleanse your Country, and the whole world, and to gather His penitent children in gladness and peace.

To those unrepentant ones who, in arrogance and domination, crush their brethren, persecute and destroy them, while claiming to be bearers of Truth, in contradictory analyses where confusion and the lies of glory-seekers reign, I say repent, repair this immense wrong you do by allowing yourselves to do justice according to your understanding, your competitions and your desire and to your advantage. Following Samuel's example, I mandate in this message My prophet to tell you My disappointment and My regret for having trusted you, you who do not obey My Word and, turned away from My Love, act according to your interests.

Yes, you go to war, you rob your brothers, you accuse God's true servants, priests and prophets. You walk in the footsteps of the enemy of God and men, without regard for Truth and eat at the same table, in insult to the King of kings, divine Savior.

Soon, before Me, the Lord, you will be alone. No title, customary in this world, has value or influence, no argument has weight before Me, when I read your being and your actions.

Prepare to be confronted with The Truth, the Only One, the Divine One. Yes, only kindness, humility, gentleness and clarity of gaze, which expresses the pure spirit within you, can harmonize and unite with the Sacred Heart of the Redeemer.

Prepare yourselves in Faith, Love and sincere repentance for the Illumination of consciences. I repeat to you, no argumentation, nor negotiation, can convince or mitigate the Justice and Wisdom of Omnipotent God, in the face of what will be revealed of your being and the actions of your life: who have you served? who have you been among your brothers? what have you done to God and your brothers; for God and your brothers?

Everything that is false, misappropriations, lies, perversions, scandals and shameful crimes of all kinds, is disobedience, opposition and rejection of the rules so simple that keep the child of God in the way of Salvation.

Must I, My children, add, list, describe all the crimes of today's world, of the society you have built and of which you are victims? Must I repeat the messages I have sent you to help you understand and demonstrate the ways of decay you have accepted and embraced and which have stolen from you the respect of God Holy Spirit who keeps you alive and begs you to remain in God, your Eternal Life?

I am always with you and Mary Co-Redemptrix, until the end, with God intercedes for you and your Salvation, Mary Holy and Perfect Mother bears Love and Mercy to God's children.

And you, of France, by your Christian past and the intervention of Mary Immaculate, you have enjoyed divine protection, be blessed to intercede in your prayers for your brothers and the world, as your faith and charity command you.

But woe to those who harm and destroy hope and Life in My children and harm My works!

Woe to anyone who tries to harm the gentle, humble-hearted king I send you! He is gentle, but that does not hinder the power I place in him, who carries, in his loving and courageous heart, godless and wounded France. His charity is to lead his country, whose governance he has inherited, to its Salvation, while participating in the Salvation of the world offered by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Co-Redemptrix united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which triumphs over evil and the evil one.

Obedience to God is for you to accept to live Love, Mercy, as God teaches you in His laws and His benevolent Presence with you.

My children I bless you

Jesus Christ"

O Jesus Christ

King of kings, Lord of Lords

In Your Divine Goodness You became incarnate

To save us

We trust in You

We adore You.

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. "Read on"

February 6, 2025

Thank You, Lord, for allowing Your word to spread freely. The streams of grace flow unhindered from Your Holy mouth. Who are we to limit YOU, the almighty GOD?

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